Because he wasn’t alone.
The house had a babysitter after all, and that was all because Elizabeth was paranoid as fuck.
And she’d been right to be.
Someone was coming unhinged over a breakup, and that never ended well.
Pulling out his phone, Reaper called in to his boss to let her know what just went down.
He told her what his gut was screaming.
Ethan needed to lay low for a while, and certainly not return to New Orleans.
Because Tommy Bernard was riled up.
And coming undone.
At the seams.
* * * H U N T E R – C R O F T * * *
At Poe’s Home
After Lunch
The day was quiet, and as a psychologist, that was always a good thing.
It allowed him to find some time for some of the chores he had neglected the last few days.
So, after making homemade pizza, that Gamble ate without a single complaint, he talked to him a little while, until the man yawned.
He was still weak from trying to wither away.
So, he helped him back into his room to take another little nap to recharge.
He had time.
It wasn’t like they were going anywhere the next sixty days. At some point, he was going to try and get Gamble out of the house, and into public again.
That was a little far off yet.
In due time, when the man was ready.
For now, that was not the case.
After checking on Gamble one more time, he was sleeping peacefully, and that meant he had a few minutes, so he opted to take care of his animals. He’d also be thinking up a strategy to save Gamble, a soldier.
Poe was a pacifist, so he sometimes had a difficult time relating.
He never really liked the idea of war, mainly because he saw the ramifications when people came home from it broken and damaged.
It was his job to put them back together again, and it sucked watching men and women return in pieces.
The outcome was brutal.