“This is Shing Reung. If you see him, alert us immediately. He’s Fang’s backup asshole. Point the camera at him, and give us the heads-up. Well, give Jagger the heads-up.”
Oh, he could do that.
“Good luck, Remmy, and don’t get hurt. You’re covered, but still...”
As he stood there, across the street, was a shop, and now, he was looking at a store.
That’s when he made the plan.
“Hey, Major, I need ten minutes before I head into that barber shop,” he admitted, suddenly having a good idea.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
He knew they were all connected through her vest and MATE.
“If I tell you, are you guys going to bust my balls? Take bets, or be assholes?”
She snorted.
“You know us, Remmy. Absolutely. We spend half of the day being dicks.”
He found that amusing because it wasn’t wrong. You had to have a thick skin when around a pack of Marines. They made you work for it.
“I need a ring, and I want to go in there and get one.”
Oh, she suspected why too.
“For Calyx?” she asked, grinning at him a little to big for his liking.
Here it began.
“No, it’s for you. I suddenly feel like making Jagger angsty. I love the little guy all stirred up,” he said, sarcastically.
Maura’s com on her vest clicked on.
“I can hear you, dick. Who’s the one being an asshole now, hitting on my pregnant wife?”
He laughed.
“I’m shocked you’re not holding onto the axel under the vehicle to keep close. Look at her out here with all this freedom for the first time in…ever.”
Yeah, she was shocked too.
“Oh, she’s coming in, and staying in.”
Maura rolled her eyes.
“Seriously, can I have a few to get a ring? Since my girl isn’t with me?” he asked.
Who was she to stand between two people who were in love? Besides, they all wanted Remmy to make his move and be happy.
“Absolutely, but then, get there, and be careful. Jagger and his team will be outside if you get into trouble. We’re heading back to the new hideout with the things we’ve confiscated from the Chinese laundry.”