“Well, the Russians betrayed us, and we nearly died. We do have the full support of the Irish mob, so there’s that.”
Maura had seen the news.
“Is your other family member okay? We got the story down here. We saw he was shot and nearly died.”
Greyson nodded and was grateful that they had a positive outcome on that one.
“Chris is on the mend. Luckily for me, my wife is there, or she’d be trying to be a mob boss down here too, and I really don’t want that.”
When Jagger opened his mouth, Maura stared at him.
“Go ahead, Captain. I double dog dare you to go there with a pregnant wife. I’m pretty sure that statistically, it’s going to end with you crying, and me laughing as I stand over you.”
He snorted, knowing she likely wasn’t kidding when it came to that.
Maura didn’t pull punches, even with him.
Instead of risking his wife’s wrath, he focused on the mob man.
“The struggle is real, Greyson. The struggle is real.”
Yes, yes, it was.
“Oh, you can say that again,” Greyson admitted. Luckily for him, his wife was home clucking over Chris.
As for the Hunters, they were curious about what had happened in Greyson’s neck of the woods.
“What went down in Boston?” Dakota asked, wanting to see if it connected to them.
Greyson explained.
“We had an ex-CIA operative tied to someone here, and we found out that The Black Butcher was coming. He wanted Boston. Elizabeth was kind enough to let us know that our mess is tied to your mess. So we figured we’d come here after shutting down the Russian and Chinese mob at home, and help a guy out.”
Thank God for that.
They had a mess brewing, and since this was a major port city, who knew what they were bringing in?
Since Boston was having the same mess, they knew this wasn’t coincidence.
“Yeah, well, we have The Black Butcher landing somewhere tomorrow. He wants NOLA,” Maura said.
The Fed on the screen clarified.
“He wants it all,” Elizabeth said. “Artemis was funneling him CIA intel that she was getting from her boss. Well, WAS is a huge word here.”
That made them curious.
“What happened to him?” Dimitri asked.
She smiled.
“Yeah, well, that’s classified, but it was a minor fender bender on the beltway. He seems to have gone missing. I wonder where?”
The Marines all laughed.