Page 105 of Assassin

Eve and Jinx ducked behind the counter with the two dead people.

“Like off them?” Heath asked, wanting to be clear. “My dad doesn’t like me taking out cops.”

Oh, well, she had news for him.

“Most of them are dirty here,” she said. “The odds are in your favor that you’re not killing a good cop who is coming into a mafia laundering business. There are a lot of places like this around NOLA. I don’t believe in coincidences.”

When Greyson’s voice came over the com, he was talking to Heath.

“You make sure nothing happens to the Major. That supersedes my rule about killing cops. We’re beyond that now.”

Well, that worked for him.




Heath shrugged, unlocked the door, and moved out of sight. When the door opened, the two cops came in, and they saw the people sitting on the floor. In that moment, they went for their guns.

And Maura did the dirty work.

She took them both down with her silenced gun, and no messing around.

The bodies hit the floor, scaring the Chinese workers there. They began chattering.

“MATE record and translate,” Maura whispered.

Heath was staring at her.

“Uh, one of those was supposed to be mine. You’re a control freak,” he stated.

Jagger’s laughter came over the com.

“Yeah, she is.”

His wife wasn’t having it. The clock had started the second she pulled the trigger. ShotSpotter was likely reporting the muffled shots fired.

“Not the time, Jagger,” she stated.

When Dimitri came out of the back, he had a bag full of things, and immediately came to a stop.

“Oh, cops. How’d that happen?” he asked.

“Dumb luck,” Maura said.

Immediately, someone whined.

“She hogged the kill,” Heath said. “I’m used to handling the dirty work.”

Both Snakes stood.

Maura was going to ignore Heath.

For now.

“Find anything else but the ledger with the indentured slaves?” she asked, hoping he did.