“I apologize, Major. The little things amuse him, and Greyson humors his idiosyncrasies.”
“What’s that mean?” Heath asked, willing to bust his ass. “Is that what you call that giant vibrator that you and Poppy had?”
Dimitri flushed.
Then, he got bitchy.
“GREYSON, control your son. I will shoot him in the ass and leave him in New Orleans with his sister!”
The man laughed.
Greyson wasn’t sure if he was kidding or not, so it was best not to go there.
“Heath, don’t irritate Dimitri before he’s going in a door. He’ll do what he said and say it was an accident. Then, you’ll shoot him back.”
Heath just sat there grinning.
Yeah, the crazy was running rampant there.
“Are you sure you don’t want me…,” Jagger began, and they all had an answer for him.
“NO!” they said at the same time.
“Jesus. Fine,” he muttered.
Apparently, he was a bad husband for wanting to watch over his pregnant wife.
As a few more customers left, Maura saw a lull in the foot traffic, and she made the calculations.
“Adder and Mamba, are you in place in the back?” she asked.
Their answer was instantaneous.
“We’re heading down the street now. Give us a minute,” Mamba said, just as two sleek crotch rockets screamed down the street, right past them.
Holy shit!
Someone was trying to die.
On the com, there came a very concerned voice, and it appeared to be the husband of one of the Snakes.
“Tell me that wasn’t my wife,” Dakota said. “Please tell me that my Evie has more common sense than to go fast on a motorcycle with baby on board.”
Maura laughed at the visual in her head. It was pretty amusing.
Well, for her.
“It was your wife, and Rogue’s wife.”
There were grumbles of discontent. Yeah, the men were not amused.
“Remind me to tell Elizabeth Blackhawk thank you for giving my wife a motorcycle while she’s with child,” Dakota stated. “We’re having words. I’m possibly throwing hands too.”