If they didn’t, he was going to have to break out his plan B, and he didn’t want to put Alyona into play unless there was no other choice.
“I know you’re all struggling with this right now, but how about we take a look at that new facility that Elizabeth had set up for you?” he asked. “I hear there are guns and technology…”
That seemed to work for everyone. Nothing made a bunch of Marines or mercenaries happier than those two things.
Only, before anyone could comment, Stella had a very important question.
“Mr. Croft?” Stella asked, getting his attention.
She went there.
“Can I have a gun?”
Before he could say anything, Zayn stopped that train from trying to leave the station.
How could he not?
All of their lives depended on it.
“One, she’s pregnant. Two, she’ll end up shooting one of us. My wife’s shooting skills are sketchy.”
She stared at him.
The look said it all.
Only, Zayn wasn’t having it.
“Don’t, my sweet Stella. The angry eyes only make me frisky.”
That did what he’d intended.
It made her laugh.
“Okay, then. Shall we?” Greyson asked.
They all agreed that it was time to get the show on the road, and see what Elizabeth came up with for them. Their safety mattered.
When Maura stood, Jagger handed her body armor, and Dakota, plus Rogue did the same for their wives. Clearly, they were taking all of the precautions.
The Major protested.
“Uh, it’s our building,” Maura said. “We’re going to be safe in it. That’s the point.”
Honestly, Jagger didn’t give two shits if it was their building, Elizabeth’s building, or Greyson’s. It was the fact that they had to get in cars, and drive there.
That meant a risk.
A lot could happen once they left the house, and they were pretty sure they didn’t get all of the mercenaries that Artemis had bought up.
If Greyson’s intel was right, the Chinese mafia were still lingering in their town.
That was a problem.
They had to clean that up before he’d feel secure enough to believe his family was safe.
“Well, you can wear it, or you can stay here,” he said, laying down the law.