He already promised him an outcome in sixty days.
Gamble took his hand, and he was pulled up. Poe wasn’t as big as him, but he had some strength in him. He was able to get him stable on his feet.
Then again, Gamble had lost about sixty pounds over the last month, and a lot of that was going to be muscle. They had a lot to do.
“Let’s get you into a shirt. I’ll get you new things when we get to my home. It’s best you leave anything with attachment behind until I can work with you.”
Gamble didn’t say anything.
He was curious about the man’s home. Would it be prim and proper? He pictured books, a library, maybe a pipe, and a shit ton of tea.
He hated tea.
Only, at least he wouldn’t have to watch his friends stand over his body and see him die.
Picking out a clean t-shirt, Poe helped him into it, and Gamble got wobbly.
He nearly fell.
“I have you,” Poe said, his arm around his waist, and Gamble’s over his shoulder. “Lean on me. I’m sturdy,” Poe said.
Gamble just wanted out of there.
“Thank you.”
He reassured him.
“There is no need to thank me. Let’s get you out of here, and start working on getting better.”
As they headed out in the hallway, Jagger was standing there without his wife. He held the file and envelope as he waited for them.
That the man was able to get him to comply…that was wild. They had tried, and no one could get through to him. Apparently, the British doctor knew witchcraft.
“We’ll be taking our leave,” Poe said. “I’ll send you updates over the next two months.”
“Is that how long it will take?” Jagger asked, since the man had told him already that it took however long it took.
Gamble was the first to answer.
“No. If I can’t be fixed, the doctor will help me end my life with dignity.”
Jagger opened his mouth, but Poe was staring at him, and he gave him the look.
Now, Jagger wasn’t sure if the man had, or hadn’t, offered that.
So, he kept it light.
“You got this, Gamble,” Jagger said. “We love you, and we’ll miss you. Everyone wants you to know we’re rooting for you. Please come home again.”
Not a word was said back.
In fact, Gamble didn’t even look at him.
He couldn’t.
They were how he met Storm. They were part of his problem. Every time he saw them, he was reminded that they brough the woman who destroyed him into their lives.