It would buy food for the homeless ones he tried to help on the weekends.
There were so many broken, wounded soldiers, and he knew this was his life’s mission.
After all was said and done, Poe wouldn’t take money for himself. He had plenty. He was born in a country where there were still family members in the upper echelon of society.
His father was a Duke, and he, personally, was disgusted with wealth and privilege when so many suffered.
His career began at the university, and he made sure he got down and dirty with psychology. Then, he moved to the US for his master’s and doctorate.
After a crushing loss in his life, he vowed to make a difference.
He promised to make it all matter.
Now, he was a doctor here in a city where there were so many homeless veterans. Deep down, he believed all soldiers deserved a chance to start a life.
After all, they gave up so much that it was the least he could do.
Truth be told, they had a special place in his heart, and forever would.
His brother had gone into the military, and he’d died in Afghanistan fighting to save lives.
That loss…
It changed him.
Hemmingway lost his life, and Poe promised each day to make sure he helped one person for his brother’s memory.
That had been ten years ago, and now, he was promising to help this one soldier.
But the guilt…
It was consuming him.
Maybe if he was lucky, it would be an easy case, and he could go back to helping others.
As they pulled up to the building, he honestly wasn’t quite sure what to expect.
Who would?
All Poe knew was that the woman who hired him was a formidable individual.
Yeah, he knew who Elizabeth Blackhawk was.
Then again, who didn’t?
Poe would never forget the time they met. He’d crossed paths with her at a Marine gala where she was there with the President of the United States to give out awards to soldiers who had been wounded in the service to their country.
Seeing her was terrifying.
She held herself like a soldier, and she had been surrounded by Marines in their dress blues. They doted and protected her, and it was something to see.
Then, when he met her, he was shocked at how kind and sweet she had been.
On the spot, she’d promised to make a donation to the foundation that he’d created to help fallen soldiers, and when the party was over, he assumed it had been all talk.
Until a check arrived the next day for half a million dollars from her, one from her husband, Jackson James, and one from her other husband, Doctor Leonard.