When he headed into her living room, he saw a note on the table, and that fear had him by the balls.
And here they went again.
Did she change her mind?
Picking it up, his hands shook in anger, but he still read it over.
‘I didn’t have coffee at the apartment. I’m grabbing us breakfast. I’ll be right back. Fiancée Alyona.’
And it hit him.
She wasn’t running away from him again. Instead, she was just doing a normal thing.
He was grateful she left this note, or he would have made an asshole out of himself.
Without a doubt.
It appeared that, finally, for him, the chase was now over.
Instead, he calmed the hell down to wait for his fiancée to come home. Finding a spot on the couch, he plopped down and started making plans.
He was three phone calls in when he heard the door unlock downstairs.
She called up to him.
It made him grin.
As she came bounding up the stairs, he saw her carrying some things.
Immediately, he helped her.
Taking the coffee and bag of goodies, he saw she was holding two garment bags.
“What do we have here?” he asked.
She grinned.
Yeah, no.
“I meant inside the garment bags.”
Well, she was honest.
“I had every intent of just getting coffee, but then I walked past this little shop, and in the window, there was this dress.”
She unzipped it and showed him.
Holy shit!
He wasn’t expecting the one eighty. Someone went from running from to running at him.