Page 284 of Assassin

A temporary one.

Only, there was no doubt that Elizabeth would be back at some point. This city just couldn’t function without her.


When they were gone, Maura looked around.

“Spiders, want something to drink? It’s five o’clock somewhere.”

Maura walked away with Reaper, Recluse, Wolf, and The Huntsman.

And Jagger let her.

The Major was holding court, and now, at least his wife would be safe.

When the rest of the family followed, the men who began this ride together stood there.

With Jagger.

“Well, we handled this,” Jagger said to Dakota, Rogue, and Zayn. “I can’t wait to see what happens next.”

The big Native man laughed.

“I’m going to the motherfucking White House. That’s what’s happening next. Then, right to Leavenworth. After that, the gallows. I’ve read this story before, and it doesn’t end well for the Native man.”

Rogue laughed.

“Uh, in this story, what happens to the handsome, debonaire, half-Native?” he asked.

Zayn rolled his eyes.

“He did half the time in Leavenworth.”

Rogue snorted.

The other man rolled his eyes.

“Have I mentioned how much I love you chucklefucks?” Dakota asked, remembering how they came together, and how far they’d come.

It had been a journey.

“Every day, you pussy,” Jagger said.

As they were walking away, Zayn felt a pat on his ass, which was weird.

“Was that Dakota’s hand on my ass?” Zayn asked, looking around.

Before the man could answer, from somewhere nearby, MATE chortled.

That was all he had to hear.

“Oh, fuck no,” he said, not hanging around there.


The other men laughed.

“That’s the fastest I’ve seen him move,” Jagger said, amused.