“On whether what we’ve built was real, or just an illusion. I have faith, and time will tell. He won’t be able to keep it from us for much longer. I see the cracks. At some point, he’s going to have to face the cold hard reality.”
Ethan Blackhawk was still in love with his ex.
And this might just break them.
Chapter Sixteen
Adventure Tour
Double Date
Thursday Night
The Bayou
As of yet, everything was going off without a hitch. They waited on the dock for the other boat to head out, while their captain got theirs ready. Buying out all of the seats on the second boat had worked in their favor.
They had a special guest.
Shing Reung.
Oh, he might be going by another name, but someone was walking right into a trap.
When he motioned to the four of them, the ladies played the role, as dates, and both Boone and Remmy tried to keep their eyes on everyone who was on that boat.
That was their job.
As they sat in the boat, an old gambling liner, the captain made his introductions.
“Good evening. It’s my pleasure to take you on the tour of the bayou river. We’re going to see so many gators and things that go bump in the night.”
Over the com, the men heard Maura already at work.
“How many?” she asked.
“Five. Four in the other locations, and the captain,” Remmy whispered back, his hand in front of his mouth as Boone distracted the captain with a question.
As the boat was floating down the waterway, the captain was busy pointing out the gators. Hopefully, he didn’t see the Marines laying low along the river.
“How old are gators?” Calyx asked, keeping the man occupied with silly questions to buy the Marines time.
“Oh, Cher, they are ancient beings.”
She giggled and bounced in her seat as she stared at her date.
It took all Remmy had not to laugh. His girl was really playing it up. He had to give her credit. Calyx knew exactly what to do.
This made him want to do something ridiculously unlike him.
Propose here and now.
With the ring in his pocket, he could do it.
Should he?
This seemed like a memorable experience, and Calyx was definitely having a good time.