Page 142 of Assassin


Truth be told, Alexsandr couldn’t believe that he’d actually made it. He was back in the United States, but this time, he wasn’t a child being taught the Western world’s ways.

This time, he was here for revenge.

Oh, and revenge he would have.

Let there be no doubt.

As the stairs went down, and the pilot opened the door for him, Alexsandr was able to walk down the stairs to his new life.


The irony was that it was in the place that he truly hated the most in the whole world.

Before long, he’d plant the poison so that the whole country began destroying itself from the inside out.

His mother and father would be proud.

When his five assassins joined him, it was time to meet up with their ‘host’.

As a Chinese man approached him, he held out his hand.

“Fang?” he asked, hoping the man had managed to show up despite being out of contact.

The man shook his hand and his head.

“No, Mr. Dominik. I’m Shing Reung. We’ve spoken on the phone earlier. There has still been no contact from Fang.”

He could see the irritation in the Russian’s eyes, but he legitimately didn’t know where his business partner, Fang was.

He wasn’t answering his phone, and neither was his wife.

That didn’t bode well for the man. He was rarely out of contact with his people.

The Russian man sighed.

“Well, I’m not thrilled,” Alexsandr said. “I was expecting Fang. He was, after all, who our German helper put in charge of this.”

Oh, he was aware, but as his second in command, Shing was more than capable of doing the job. After all, he’d been in charge of setting everything up here while Fang was in Boston.

“I’m sorry, Sir. He’s out of communication, but I can reassure you that we’re ready to go.”

The Russian man looked really pissed about that, and Shing knew he was in trouble.

“I see.”

He began trying to smooth over the issues.

“Sir, we’ve been making money for you, as per Fang’s promise, and we have the businesses doing what they need to do. They’re set up, and you have a way to launder in and out. No one will suspect when the money goes to China, and then to your accounts in Russia. You will be very pleased with how we’ve integrated into society here for you.”

Well, at least there was that.

Honestly, Alexsandr didn’t care who helped him build his empire here. They were all dead when he didn’t need them anymore.

His father always said leave no trace of your dirty deeds, and leave no witnesses to them.

That was his plan.