“Okay, and I hope these don’t upset you, but there is room for negotiation if they do. I will bend a little.”
Ian was ready.
“Hit me with it.”
Oh, he did.
“I’m old fashioned and a traditionalist. When we have children, and we will, I want you to fill the role of mother, and I will take the customary role of father. You’re accustomed to a mother, and I’m not. I don’t feel comfortable nurturing on the fly, and I will learn as we go.”
Ian reassured him.
“I’m good with that. I understand your logic on the reasons why.”
“We’ll both be dads, but I don’t know how to take care of children. Until I’m comfortable, I will be the one who provides for our family. I would prefer you not work, and be the stay-at-home father.”
Ian negotiated that.
“I would like to work, but I will be the one who takes time off if we have sick kids, or the daycare is closed. Elizabeth can’t survive without me. For as smart as she is, she refuses to alphabetize anything.”
He negotiated.
“I’ll give you that if we can pick a number of children that we agree on. All of which will be from one of our sperm.”
“Four and you,” Ian offered.
Gryphen countered.
“I say three and you.”
Ian explained.
“You’re big, strong, and I want us to have boys who are never afraid. I think you’re the better option, so I will say three and you.”
Gryphen agreed with his reasoning.
“Deal. I have more conditions, and some of them you touched on.”
He didn’t mind.
“Like you said, we only get one chance so, make them count,” he stated. “We can negotiate like we just did.”
Gryphen went there.
“I promise to take care of you in and out of bed. When we are out of bed, I will be your protector, and I will be your guardian. I will keep you from being hurt, and I will die to keep you safe. In bed, I will also make sure that our sex life is full and adventurous. I will worship your body, and make sure you are satiated.”
He believed him since he already did this.
“I agree to those terms,” Ian said. “Easily. What else do you have, Gryphen?”
He moved on to number two.
“You’ll willingly give yourself to me in and out of bed whenever I request it, even if the time seems inconvenient. Since I’m putting your needs first out of bed, you will also put my needs first, sexually, first and foremost, since I need a lot of sex now that we opened Pandora’s Box.”
Since he loved sex with Gryphen, he was more than good with that.
“I agree to those terms.”
Gryphen was crystal clear.