“I guess being in a castle is the best place to be when you need to be protected.”
Ian shrugged.
“I’d feel safe in a cardboard box if I was with you, Gryph. The castle is nice ambiance, but you’re the reason I feel protected.”
A slow grin formed, and Ian felt dizzy from that look. The man had the ability to make him crazy.
Because they’d been up all night, Gryphen took that moment to worry about Ian’s well-being, and not his own libido.
That could wait.
“How about we rest a bit?” he asked when he saw Ian looked exhausted. “After a nap, we can keep exploring, or do whatever you want.”
He let that hang there.
Oh, Ian knew what he wanted to do.
Or maybe that was he wanted Gryphen doing him.
“Yes, please,” he said, digging for his toothbrush and finding Gryphen’s too.
Together, they stood side-by-side as they brushed their teeth. It felt very couple-y, and Gryphen would be lying if he said he didn’t like it.
This was their morning and nightly ritual, and he enjoyed it. For some reason, something so simple as having someone to brush his teeth with…
It tickled his fancy.
When they were done, they both headed into the sleeping area where the jumbo bed waited for them.
“Do you want me to go get your bags?” Gryphen asked, willing to do that.
Ian shook his head.
“I’m too tired. Let’s just strip down and go to sleep,” he offered.
Oh, well, if that’s what the man wanted, Gryphen wasn’t saying no to sleeping skin-to-skin with Ian.
He loved that.
He watched, and Ian stripped down to his boxers, leaving them on.
Gryphen took that as his cue, and he did the same, leaving his boxer briefs intact.
He was hard, thick, and clearly visible through the snug fitting underwear.
Ian stared at him.
“Had to consider it, huh?” Gryphen asked, joking around.
“God. Yes. I’m weighing the options right now,” he admitted. “That’s a compelling argument.”
Oh, Gryphen was glad.