Page 95 of Icy Cold Death

Elizabeth realized this was bad.

Tori wouldn’t call her on her private number from an unknown number unless the shit hit the fan. Plus, Julian had texted her and asked for any and all information on some cops in Utah.

She put two and two together and came up with a bad situation.

The man looked surprised.

Tori grinned.

“Yeah, now, you’re in some trouble,” Tori said. “If you did your research, Detective Jon Wilkes, age fifty-nine, then, you’d know I worked for the FBI, and the nice Deputy Director of the FBI was my boss at one time.”

He blinked.

Then, she continued.

“Elizabeth, can you vouch for me to the rights violating cop who is detaining me illegally?” Tori asked.

This was weird, but she’d just rolled around with some sexy men, and she was in a damn good mood. She was off today, and would play.

“You’re Victoria Littlemoon, ex-Fed and current PI. Why?” she asked. “Is someone bothering my family?”

Oh, one could say that.

“I’m being detained by a cop without probable cause. He’s also locked up Bishop, Bexley, and Hailey. He won’t let us make a call to our lawyer, all because we found a body on vacation!”

She gasped.

“What in the monkey fucks is that about? Not Bishop. I love me some Bishop. She’s one good cop who knows her way around a crime scene.”

Their cop laughed.

Bishop loved her some Elizabeth too. She was spicy, and knew how to make a man sweat.

Like now.

Because Jon was definitely in the pre-stages of panic. The beads of sweat gave it away.

Yeah, she played in interrogation rooms plenty of times to know the look.

“You love me, Elizabeth, until I’m trying to stop you from stealing a case. Oops. Sorry, I just channeled Honor. That’s her gig.”

Elizabeth was not amused that her friend and Tori’s associates were having their rights violated.

Yes, a cop could give a PI a hard time, but they didn’t cross a line.

A citizen was a citizen was a citizen.

And rights were paramount in their world.

“Detective, you have a problem,” Elizabeth said. “Why are you violating people’s rights?” she asked.

What the man did next was insane.

He actually grabbed the phone from the detective and ended the call. Then, he turned the ringer off and put it in his pocket.

