Page 74 of Icy Cold Death

It didn’t sit well with him, but what choice did he really have at this point?

Honestly, Julian hoped that it didn’t go that far, but a woman scorned…


Littlemoon women had a temper.

They got that from Clarissa because she could make a man run for his damn life. Put the twins in a room, and that was likely what was going to go down.

Luckily, his mother wasn’t here to see that shit explode with her daughters.

If she had been…

It would be bad.

As he rolled onto his side, he made sure his doors were closed, and he was ghost-free for the rest of the night. There were NO electronics in the room.


He was not having any conversations with the dead until after he got some rest. They could kiss his Native, tan ass before that was happening.

Not tonight.

As he closed his eyes, he felt the room go cold.


The curtains blew, and the room felt full like he was being watched all around him. When he felt the bed move, he wasn’t having it.

Trey was a nightmare on a good day.

On a bad one, he liked to torment the hell out of him.


“I will sage the shit out of this room. I have three kids, my wife is away, and I need to get some sleep! If no one is dead, other than you guys, leave me alone until at least seven in the morning.”

He closed his eyes, put the pillow over his head, and ignored it.

When he slipped into sleep, there was no doubt that Julian was in his happy place.

There was no Trey.

He wasn’t sure how long he was out, but it was the doorbell that brought him awake.

Sitting up in his bed, it took a second to focus.

Then, he realized the ramifications of someone ringing a doorbell at that time.

What the hell?

Was someone trying to wake up three kids?

If this was Trey, or any of the other dead that haunted his and Tori’s heads, Julian was going to kill them or make them vastly uncomfortable as he got Raven to ward his house so they couldn’t leave the goddamn basement.

Before they could ring the bell again, Julian hopped out of bed, he ran down the stairs, and flung open the door.

Only, it wasn’t Trey.