Lucian had clarity.
The energy gave him one look into the darkest hiding spots in the static.
He saw what was happening.
There was Oracle’s soft melodious laughter.
You found what you were looking for. Now, move back to your bodies. You’ve learned how to master the static. You are both the lock and key.
And then, they were gone.
It was that gasp of breath when both Lucian and Ridge opened their eyes.
It made Raven, Bishop, and Wynter jump.
Lucian turned his head, and stared into his wife’s eyes.
“The killer is taking a life right now. Someone is meeting the killer. There’s another woman—Jennie Smithson is about to die. You have to go to the park! Run!”
That was all she had to hear.
Bishop grabbed her phone, and raced from the room, leaving the men behind.
When they were gone, Raven waved his hand, dismissing the watchtowers.
The men collapsed onto the floor.
“You found it,” Ridge said, his heart racing in his chest. There was wetness between his legs, and he knew why.
They both came on this plane too.
Lucian held out his hand, and pulled Ridge into his body. Now came the fallout of burning that much energy.
They curled together, and closed their eyes.
Raven covered them with a blanket, and touched both of their heads to offer them further protection. He would have to have a private conversation with them later when he explained what they had done.
But until then…
He left them there.
Because he was shaken.
For a non-witch, Lucian Monroe could control the static, and that was beyond dangerous.
It was deadly.
Chapter Twenty
Tori’s Suite
Late Afternoon
W hen they found out that the boyfriend that worked as the chef in the steakhouse wasn’t there, and instead, he left mourning the loss of his ex-fiancée, Tori and Genesis headed up to her room.