Page 29 of Icy Cold Death

The dead woman kept flashing between life and death state.

“Are you in there?” Tori asked.

The dead woman looked surprised that someone was talking to her.

“You can see me?” she asked.

She nodded.

“Yes. I’m psychic. My name is Tori. What’s yours?” she asked.

“Keri. Keri Hester.”

Tori wanted to get what she could from her.




“How did you get here?”

She shared.

“I was meeting a man in the park, and…someone came up behind me and killed me. I was suffocated. I don’t know where I am, but I know I can’t leave my body.”

Tori shared with Bishop.

“We have a suffocated woman who was dumped upstream when she was meeting a man.”

Oh, boy.

Bishop gave her the look and sighed.

It was the ‘I’m going to kill you because you found a body on our vacation, and we are going to have to explain this to the cops’ look.

That never went well because cops were suspicious of private investigators, and that tended to piss them off. Bishop had no jurisdiction here, and that meant, the fun was about to begin.



She was aware.

Only, she couldn’t abandon her. Now that the woman knew she could communicate with her, she’d follow them. She would not have a moment’s peace.

“We have to do this.”

Bishop knew there was no point arguing. One of Tori’s greatest attributes was her kindness.

And her fatal flaw was dragging them into cases left and right.

It drove Honor, Tori’s sister-in-law, a detective on the same force, insane.

“Help me. I’m in there. I don’t know what happened, but I’m in that water. Please. No one can hear me but you, and I’m scared.”

Tori stepped on the ice.