“It’s likely Tori,” she said.
He pulled the phone from his pocket, and on it, he saw the message.
‘The town ME called the detective. He’s willing to let you swing in and snoop for us. I hope you’re not busy. Can you take a romancing break and see if there’s anything that stands out to you as a forensic ME? We need something to nail this guy down. We’re building the case. Let me know. Tori.’
He showed Hailey, and honestly, he didn’t mind. She was going to be looking at dresses in a little while, and he would just be hanging out in the wedding suite alone.
Why not have a busman’s holiday?
Tori and the Littlemoons saved his bacon when he’d been charged with murder, and they gave him a family. The least he could do was help them out.
For the rest of his life.
“Do you mind?” he asked.
She laughed.
“No. I feel like I should be helping them too. They’ve been so amazing to me and Holly, but they won’t let me.”
He kissed her on the tip of the nose.
“You just go pick out a dress and wow me. Granted, anything you pick out will do that.”
She really hoped so.
“Will you be safe?” she asked, worried about the man. “If anything happens to my fiancé, I’m going to get mean.”
He laughed.
“I think I can stay out of trouble in a morgue, Hailey. I mean, what could possibly happen?”
She didn’t want to think about it.
Losing Bodhi would be something she never recovered from.
And that was the truth.
* * * L I T T L E M O O N * * *
Meet-up Time
Thirty Minutes
Sending the text earlier had been the easiest thing to do. It was about bringing his sins to life, and showing the world what a scumbag he was.
This one would be easy, and from what had been circulating, it might just send this investigation over the edge.
The word on the street was people were reopening the case, and that meant trouble.
Oh, yeah, finally, there were people digging into the deaths. It would be hard not to know it was going on.
Word traveled fast.
Know what traveled even faster?