“My other sister-in-law mentioned that post static copulation was incredibly wild.”
Oh, it was.
Only, he was still in the static.
She wasn’t upset but more worried for them. This wasn’t about her or what happened. It was about her husband and a wall between him and Ridge.
“Was it hot?” Tori asked, busting ass to lighten the mood.
“Uh, well, yeah. Only, Lucian pulled away from Ridge, and he thinks he damaged them. I’m worried for him. He loves Ridge. They’re a couple—of sorts.”
Genesis had to play catch up.
“And that’s the guy he was almost naked with in bed?” Genesis asked. “Asking for the newbie trying to figure out psychics one-oh-one.”
“Yes,” Bishop admitted.
Tori knew why she was worried.
The two men were close.
“They’ll work it out.”
“And I’m freaked out. I swear that I heard him in my head, Tor. That’s weird. I’m a cop. I don’t do this psychic mojo thing. I boot asses around.”
Tori got it.
They all knew Honor picked up a few gifts, but she was in denial. She didn’t bring it up, so they didn’t.
Bishop was the opposite.
She wasn’t afraid of being psychic.
She was afraid of losing Lucian.
“Well, I can reassure you. Lucian and Ridge will kiss and make up.”
The radio went on.
Bishop stopped him.
“Don’t snoop, Trey. Let them deal with this. I just need to know if they’re okay.”
He reassured her as the dial went crazy.
That’s all she needed to know. They couldn’t break up that team. The two men solved a lot of things by going into the static, and Bishop knew Oracle was coming.
They’d need it.
People died in that particular war.
“Want to talk about it more?” Tori asked. “Want us to drop you back off?”