Bishop was locked eye-to-eye with him, and neither were moving. She could hear him screaming in pain, Oracle talking to her, and then, there was his heartbeat.
It was erratic.
“Help me help him!”
Oracle’s voice was crystal clear.
He needs to burn off the energy. You’re not psychic, but you can anchor him. He just needs someone strong to use their energy to maintain his. You’re the only one who can save him now unless you want that bond between him and Ridge. There’s going to be a metaphysical explosion, and it will bind him to someone.
Oh, she didn’t like this.
Do you want him to take Ridge? This isn’t Lucian in control. Like with Beckett, he needs an outlet. Choose unless you’re willing to share your husband.
Yeah, hell no.
Ridge wasn’t attracted to men, and neither was Lucian. If he crossed a line, it would damage what the two men had, plus their wives.
She couldn’t risk it.
She had no choice.
“What do I do, Avi? Tell me what to do. I’m scared for him. I can’t lose him.”
She wished she could talk to Avalon the way she was communicating with her.
You need to ground him. He’ll find his way out of the static by using your energy. Let him have you, and enjoy the ride. You’re his other half, and he’s going to need you more than ever as he adjusts to his gift. I won’t exist forever. Lucian can do the job.
Tears dripped from his eyes as it was clear he understood what was about to happen, and how much he was fighting it.
His whole body was locked in tension as he stared at her.
I don’t want to hurt you, Bishop. Run. Please. Save yourself. Get me Ridge. He can handle what will happen. I can’t hurt my wife.
Only, there was nothing she wouldn’t do for him. Lucian was her husband, best friend, and other half. When she’d been hurt, he never stopped fighting for her.
She made up her mind.
“I’ll save my husband. You can’t put Ridge into this position.”
It wasn’t about her husband being intimate with the man. It was the fact that the man might find that a tad bit rape-y. She didn’t.
This was hot sex with a wild pirate.
He needs this for what is coming. He needs to protect his family, and this is the only way. I’m sorry. He will be ready when it happens. Let him take off the training wheels.
Then, everything was silent.
Oracle was gone.
To get through to her husband, she touched his cheek.
“Lucian, can you hear me?”