After Dark
W aiting was always the hardest part for him. Truth be told, most people spend a great portion of their lives waiting for things to happen. From the birth of children and retirement, most time wasted was spent sitting and doing nothing but waiting.
For him, it was annoying.
Only, it was something that had to be done because good things came to those who waited.
In this case, he was waiting for his lover.
His mistress.
Well, one of them.
For him, it had been a much-needed adventure. They’d met at the resort when he and his male friends had gone there for a poker tournament, and it progressed from there.
Over the last year, he returned to that location, and each and every time, after that one boy’s weekend, it was to meet with a woman.
Oh, not just her.
She wasn’t anything special, but instead, a way to forget—as were the others. He was in a loveless marriage, and these ladies helped him through it.
There had been five that had tickled his fancy, but now, balancing them was getting to be tricky so he was having to be very careful.
Unfortunately for him, he was married, and these women were easily tied to him.
That meant that he had to end the relationship on the DL to save his reputation.
If his wife found out…
Yeah, that would be bad.
So, this was about meeting with this particular lady so that he could be ready to kiss her goodbye, and hope that she didn’t want to ruin him.
That wouldn’t work for him.
His world was based on his presence in the community, and he had to keep it that way.
He had, after all, a career, and that meant keeping his nose clean from any scandal or wayward women who popped up to ruin him.
He’d picked them because they were lambs, and he had learned enough about them to know that when he broke it off, they wouldn’t kiss and tell.
That was the bottom line for him.
Snitches got stitches, and gag orders for defamation of his pristine reputation.
Granted, he knew that sleeping with this many women was a bad idea, but he couldn’t help himself.