A storm was coming in, but not inside her car.
She explained.
“That was my brother getting his ass handed to him by his wife. She’s very old, and that means powerful. She’s been gone for over a hundred years. She doesn’t tolerate his BS when it comes to women. He can bust Bishop or Honor, but a stranger? He’s a lecherous dead soldier, and that gets him in trouble. It’s always a fun time.”
The dial spun.
That made Genesis laugh.
“I didn’t know the dead were so much fun,” she said, and no one knew if she was serious or being sarcastic. “I better have my own dead person when I work for you.”
Yeah, Julian would lose his mind before that happened. Mandatory ghost partners?
Never going to happen.
“WE. ARE. A. LAUGH. A. MINUTE,” Trey offered as he soothed his wife.
It was clear that he liked getting Bethany all spicy.
Tori was about to say something when her phone rang. When she pulled it from her pocket, she saw it was her husband.
“Oh, the boss knew we were having fun, so everyone knock it off,” she joked.
Bishop snorted.
“Not my boss,” she reminded her.
Yeah, Tori was aware.
“Hey, Jules,” she said, answering it. “How are you doing? Did you survive the sister apocalypse?” she asked.
He started laughing.
“Well, you’re never going to guess what happened,” he admitted. “It has everything to do with the sisters too.”
She took a stab at it.
“Hell opened, the war of the Roses between your sisters erupted, and we have mass casualties?” she asked.
He snorted.
“That’s my girl, always going with the positive.”
She snorted.
Julian continued.
“You’d think that would be the outcome, but no. Get this. It all worked out. Claire forgave Lianna, no one got hurt, and I think they are going to go kick her husband’s ass. I’m not sure. They don’t like to tell me, but I’m not asking questions. I’m the alibi.”
Tori clued him in.
“This might be a good time to tell you that we’re on speaker, and there’s a cop in the car—a second one, not including Bishop.”
He paused.