Page 23 of Icy Cold Death

How much he loved her.

How much he missed her.

Too bad he cheated on her and abused countless women in the process.

Maybe there was a way to bring to light ALL of his sins?

Well, that was the next step.




For now, everyone in the city was talking about this man, and not in a good way.

With his wife’s death, the word on the street was that he would be inheriting a shit ton of money.

Oh, well, that didn’t make him look guilty at all.

Now did it?

This was perfect.

This was payback for all of the things he did that were sketchy, and all of the times that he believed he could just take what wasn’t his to take.

Someone was about to learn a difficult lesson.

Now, he’d pay.

And he’d pay until the day he was broken, destroyed, and a mess.

Like all the victims of his crimes.

* * * L I T T L E M O O N * * *

One Hour Later



There was nothing like swishing down a slope, your friends by your side as you enjoyed the cool, crisp evening air.

This time of the year was spectacular on this side of the country.

Without a doubt.

The weather here was vastly different from back home in Salem. On the East Coast, the leaves had yet to fall from the trees, and the snow hadn’t made an appearance quite yet.

It was late fall, but the mountains and the chilly air were nothing less than spectacular.

On the East Coast, they got a much later winter. If they were lucky, they’d have snow for Christmas, but now, there was snow before Thanksgiving.

She really loved Utah.

The seasons here called to Tori.