The receptionist looks up and smiles as we approach the front desk. “May I help you?”
“YES! Please.” Charleigh waves her hand at me. “This…person and I were both given the key to the same room. I’m in 509. I was there first.”
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry. One moment.” Her fingernails clack on the keyboard as Charleigh taps her plastic key card impatiently on the counter.
“Hmm.” The receptionist frowns, and Charleigh’s back stiffens.
“It appears we are fully booked. We had a pipe burst this morning and that took several of our rooms out of service for the week. I don’t have another room to move you to, Mr….?”
“My name’s Davis. Damien Davis.” I give the receptionist my best panty-melting grin, and she bats her eyelashes at me in return.
“Well Mr. Davis, I’m terribly sorry to have inconvenienced you.”
“Inconvenienced HIM, did you say?” The receptionist ignores Charleigh and looks at me again.
“Here. Let me give you my personal cell number. Text me yours and then I can reach you whenever a room becomes available. I’m Danika, by the way.”
“Danika, what a lovely name. Thank you.” I take the card she just wrote her number on and slide it into my pocket.
Then Danika looks past us to a line of guests waiting to check in. “I can help the next guest, please.”
“Hey!” Charleigh raises her hand, pointing at the receptionist, but I take her by the arm and pull her to the side before she can make a scene. “What?! Can you believe her flirting with you like that? And not caring that I’m the one who had a strange man walk into my room?!”
“Listen. I know none of my brothers are staying here, but maybe there’s room at my sister and Rhett’s place. Let me just give them a call.” I reach for my phone but Charleigh stops me.
“No, don’t bother them. I’m sure they have enough on their plate with all the wedding stuff.” She looks up at me like she’s making a decision. “I can be an adult about this if you can. There are two beds. And it’s not like we’re really strangers, since our families know each other. Let’s just share the room for tonight and we can figure things out tomorrow.”
“Fine by me.”
Chapter 3
“Charleigh!” I turn in the direction of that familiar voice and smile. Maddies rushes up to me, throwing her arms around my neck. Nash follows hers, grinning as he extends his large hand for me to shake.
“Hey Charleigh, great to meet you in person. Maddie has told me so much about you.” I smile at him over his fiancè’s shoulder. “Same!”
Maddie releases me and steps back, her hands on my arms. “We’re so glad you could make it. And you look amazing!”
I smile at her warmly. “Aw, thanks girl. And I wouldn’t miss my childhood best friend’s wedding for anything.”
“You’re the best! I can’t wait to catch up. We have to go speak to everyone but I’ll see you soon.” They smile at me as they walk away.
“Charleigh, is that you?” I hear Maddie’s little sister’s voice and start to smile as I’m wrapped up in another hug.
“Hey, Marley. So you moved out here too, huh?”
She beams at me. “Yes. I’m telling you, when Maddie said this place was full of hot guys, she wasn’t kidding. Speaking of, I want you to meet Colton. His brothers should all be here for the wedding. In fact, there’s one in particular I was thinking you should meet. His name is…oh hey Damien!”
I cut my eyes over to my new roommate. We managed to get ready in the same room by taking turns using the bathroom. Not at all the start I had envisioned for my relaxing week, but after I calmed down I realized he didn’t actually cause any of this, so I decided to call a truce.
I finished getting ready before he did, and when he stepped out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, his sculpted abs still dripping, I high-tailed it out of there. So when I turn to see him in a tailored suit that perfectly hugs his muscular frame my jaw nearly drops. He cleans up very well.
“Damien, this is our friend from home, Charleigh. Charleigh, meet one of Colton’s brothers, Damien.”
“Damien,” I say his name flatly.
“Charleigh.” He returns mine the same, making Marley’s brow furrow.