Page 6 of Harmless Revenge


He couldn’t come up with another word. He licked his lips and there was that taste of her again. Sweet, with a bit of sass. Damn.

“I know you play around on the job and that’s fine. I’m just starting out; and while I don’t mind working to gain respect, I don’t want your kind of reputation.”

“Why not?” he asked, then mentally kicked his ass. Seriously? He’d just asked her why she didn’t want his kind of reputation. Where was the man who could seduce any woman or man out of their clothes?

“For a man, it’s okay. In fact, it’s expected. For women, it’s different.”

That stopped him. “That’s sexist.”

She shrugged. “I didn’t say I agreed with it. It actually sucks for someone like me. I just said that is the way it is.”

“Well, it’s a cop out on your part. How is anyone going to find out?”

One perfectly sculpted eyebrow rose. “Don’t you kiss and tell?”


She rolled her eyes. “Sean, everyone knows about your conquests.”

“Not because of me. I don’t run around screaming about how many women or men I have slept with. It’s nobody’s fucking business.”

“It isn’t the way to start off my contracting career.”

She was saying that, but there was something beneath the tone. Something that told him that she did want more. He walked to her, slowly.

“How about we do this? Why not just tonight? No one has to know.”

At first, she did not respond. Then, she shook her head. “Everyone will know.”

“How?” he asked, as he took her hand. He pulled her closer. “I’m not going to tell them.”

She sighed. “They’ll know.”

“How? No recording devices, and you know Lassiter won’t say anything.”

He urged her closer so their bodies touched. God, she felt good. All those smooth curves pressed against him.

“Sean.” Her voice shook.


Her lips twitched. “This can’t go anywhere.”

He bent his head and nipped at the gorgeous neck. “I have to disagree. It can go to all kinds of interesting places.”

She held her spine straight until he slid his tongue from her collarbone up to her jaw. She shivered, and he felt her surrender right there and then.

“Do you play?”

She turned to face him. “Play?”


She shook her head.

“Tell you what. We’ll try some fun things tonight. Just a little fun…nothing hard-core. You tell me if you don’t like it.”