“Well, hello to you too.”
“Sean, don’t fuck with me. We’ve had our hands full trying to find you. Is Young there?”
“No. He’s back in the room.”
“Young, but just a flesh wound. You want to tell me what the hell is going on?”
Lassiter sighed. “You were hit the same time Jaime was.”
Even after the year apart, his heart lodged somewhere in his throat. He didn’t think he would ever get over her. “Is she okay?”
“Yeah.” He sighed, sounding weary now. “She’s doing fine now.”
Sean wanted to ask more, but he knew Lassiter well enough to know that he wouldn’t tell Sean any more.
“So, you’re saying this was planned?”
“Yes, and it has to do with something you two must have worked on, but I have yet to figure out what it is. I have a transport I can set up on my command. How soon can the two of you get to Bulusan?”
“Slow down. Can’t travel for another day or two.”
“I thought you said Young was okay.”
“He is, but he had some kind of flu. It knocked him down. It will take at least another twenty-four hours. Also, he doesn’t trust you much right now.”
“Damn, and we need him. I’ll make sure to make it up to both of you. Be there on Thursday, midnight, your time. Chuck is going to pick you up.”
He knew the man well, and Lassiter knew that. Especially since they didn’t know who to trust at the moment.
“Gotcha. So, is Jaime going to be okay?”
“She’s fine. We should be back in the states by the time you two get back. Maybe we can put our heads together and figure something out.”
“Got it. See you in a few days.”
He turned off the phone and started on his way back. It wasn’t going to be an easy trip. While Randy had finally gotten some energy, a trek through the rainforest over mountainous areas was going to be hard. They could make it to Bulusan by Wednesday no problem. It gave them three days.
It took him less time to make it back, or at least it seemed like it did. He still tried his best to muddy up his trail just in case anyone was following him. They didn’t need any more problems on this mission.
When he arrived back at the room, Randy was sitting on the bed, ready to go. His pack was beside him, and he was dressed.
“Do we have a transport?”
Sean nodded.
“Let’s go.”
“Don’t you think you should take a little more time?”
The look Randy gave him told him exactly where he thought Sean could stick that idea.
“No. I have a bad feeling, and those usually pan out. We need to get out of here as fast as possible.”
“We have until Thursday at midnight.”
“Someone you trust is going to pick us up?”