Page 13 of Harmless Revenge

His lips twitched before they curved into a cocky smile. “Other than the fact that I needed a place to stay after my car went out on me last year, no. I don’t hide my sexual preferences.”

Fuck, the man was sexy. Randy had noticed him from the first moment he’d started working for Lassiter. It was hard not to. Tall, muscled, green eyes—right up Randy’s alley. Knowing Kaheaku was bisexual added to the attraction, but worse, he was fucking sarcastic. It made him almost impossible not to fantasize about.

He’d taken time to fashion a bandage out of a bandana, but the blood was starting to seep through. And he needed to give the wound a good cleaning.

Sean apparently read his mind.

“Let’s get a room and get you set. Then we can figure out what to do.”

He nodded and followed Sean up the front steps. A small Filipino man stood behind a stained desk.

“Need a room,” Sean said.

Randy noticed he did not ask, just ordered. He liked that in a man…to a point. And in the situation, it was definitely nice. Randy was accustomed to taking charge, and he was good at it. But, his arm ached and he was starting to feel a little lightheaded. Having someone take over the little things at the moment made life a little easier.

The man behind the counter said nothing back to Sean. Apparently they knew each other well enough. He grabbed a key and flung it on the desk. Sean tossed out a few bills, grabbed the key.

“Let’s go,” he said, without turning around.

Randy wasn’t that great at taking orders. It was one of the reasons he had left the Navy. He’d loved his job, but he did better working with a two-person team. Share the work. He definitely didn’t like working for jackasses like his last commanding officer. But, right now, it was just best to go along.

He followed Kaheaku up two sets of stairs. Sweat trickled down his back and his arm throbbed. The thing hurt like a motherfucker. If Kaheaku hadn’t shot the bastard, Randy would have been tempted to hunt the bastard down and beat the shit out of him.

By the time they reached the room, Randy could barely catch his breath. It was embarrassing to admit, even to himself.

Kaheaku unlocked the door and stepped inside. They both surveyed the room. It wasn’t big. Hell, there wasn’t a lot of space in the room.

“We need to get that cut cleaned and dressed.”

Randy looked around the room again, then walked to the bathroom. “I might catch something else in here.”

Kaheaku shook his head as he took off his pack. “I got supplies, as I am sure you do as well.”

He did. “I can take care of it.”

Kaheaku let one brow rise but said nothing. Of course he didn’t. He wasn’t truly the leader of the partnership, but in a way he was. He’d known Lassiter longer than Randy had and he was uninjured.


He stripped off his shirt and winced as a fission of pain shot down his arm.

“Fuck,” he said from behind gritted teeth. Shit, he didn’t want to look weak now. It was stupid, but it was like he was trying to impress Kaheaku. They both crowded into the bathroom.

“Ah, really just a flesh wound.”

He nodded. Kaheaku opened a bottle of antiseptic and poured it on Randy’s wound.

“Mother fuck.”

Kaheaku chuckled. “Yeah, I bet that hurts. I think I’m gonna have to sew it up. Butterfly sutures are not going to work.”

“And the day just keeps getting better,” Randy said as he watched Kaheaku pull out a needle and thread. “Listen, I know you’re former Special Forces, but do you know what you’re doing with that thing?”

A small smile curved his lips. “Yeah. I grew up on a ranch on the Big Island, so I know all about taking care of injuries.”


He nodded. Randy should have known it from the cadence in Kaheaku’s voice, not to mention the last name.