Page 77 of Mountain Men Heroes

Riley tangled his fingers with hers and gave a slight tug. The path broadened just ahead and he helped her over a felled tree from one side while Holden balanced what looked like a picnic on the other. Beneath their feet, small pine needles and twigs snapped as gnarled roots lay ready to trip her up. Birds hopped from branch to branch overhead, chirping their morning serenade. A sudden peace settled over her despite wanting to be mad as hell.

“Would it matter if I said I don’t want to be here?”

Holden took her chin in hand, lifted. Her body tingled from the soft look in his eyes. “We’d never hurt you. Or do anything you ultimately do not want. Give the word and we will take you back right now.” Holden spoke up beside her.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I don’t mean to sound so, I don’t know. I don’t feel so well.” And it was the truth. The last few days the room tended to spin a little too fast when she stood abruptly and coffee didn’t seem to have the same appeal as it usually did.

Shadows combed through the low hanging branches as though clinging to the early morning for a bit longer. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the sunlight playing over Holden’s hard body. It danced along the contours and raised edges here and there. Riley, on her other side just as handsome. Scars marred his side and right arm, snagging the sunlight on their slightly raised edges. His body was otherwise perfectly flawless. Sculpted and deeply tanned.

One night when she found enough courage to ask about the scars, he’d told her his father believed in the old ways. That beating a child into submission was the only way to raise a good leader and leaving scars was only a reminder. She had a hard time with anyone beating a child. Her mother had her faults, but raising a hand to her and her sister wasn’t one of them.

Zahara had spent the rest of the night making sure Riley had new memories.

As her eyes trailed over Riley and Holden she couldn’t help but wonder what kind of fathers they would be. Patient, caring and loving for sure.

Smooth, corded bodies she tried not to notice glided with a masculine grace beside her. Since they had their sunglasses slid in place, she could only go by the easy way they walked that both men enjoyed her company. Low-slung cargo shorts hugged their hips, the material outlining every impressive inch south of the treasure trails that led below the beltline.

Holden growled long and hard as he leaned in. “You moan like that again and we won’t be responsible for taking you here and now against whatever surface we find.”

She froze, torn between his dark promise and the glimpse of what she caught between the thinning trees.

She pushed around the massive trunk of one tree, the gnarled roots an obstacle course. Thick woods surrounded the hidden section of the lake, hugging the small body of water like a lover’s embrace. Massive rocks lined the edges of water where they stood while cascading water burbled in the distance to create a soothing aquatic symphony.

The natural force churned a hypnotic pattern in the water, but where they stood lazy waves lapped at the edges of the bank, beckoning her closer. Through the low-hanging branches, large patches of sunshine poured through to glitter over the water’s surface. How did they know she couldn’t resist such an invitation?

A riot of sensations tore through her as ripples of awe fanned across her senses. She smiled and looked between both men. “This is in your back yard? And you’re not here every day?”

“Come. Let’s have some fun then we can sunbathe over there.” Holden pointed to the flat slabs of rock she eyed hugging the waterfall. It looked divine soaked in so much warm light and a perfect way to spend her last day with them.

She angled her head to the side and perched a hand on her hip. “I didn’t exactly bring a bathing suit unless you snagged that from my apartment too.”

“No need. It’s only us here.”

Holden pulled her around to face him and slowly worked the hem of her shirt up while Riley slid the button of her shorts loose. “You guys are taking a lot for granted, don’t you think?”

“I’d say yes, but the way you’re stroking my shoulder and hugging up close to Riley I’d say the attention is welcomed.”

Cocksure. Holden meant trouble for her if she didn’t watch herself.

Fighting both of them proved to be a losing battle. The only thing she could do was hold on and pray she had the willpower to resist them a while longer. Holden had an uncanny way of seeing past her shield, and Riley had the patience of a freaking, hell, she didn’t know anyone with the amount of patience that man operated with. Whittle it down to the bare essentials and both were pure trouble. It was too late to do anything about the broken heart coming her way like a bullet with her name written all over the front in bright red spray paint.

Riley turned her around and looked down his chest at her with a mixture of lust and, she wanted to say anger. “You started something last night.” He took a step forward and she mirrored his action, only in reverse. “Why did you hesitate about coming to us? It’s not like the family doesn’t know about us.” He thumbed toward Holden.

“Yeah, but still. Everyone had eyeballs on us.” She fibbed.

“Liar,” he tossed back at her as though she’d nailed him with a live grenade.

What? Could he smell deception?

“We know it wasn’t the family. Not after the show you put on.”

Riley on one side, Holden on the other and water at her back. How fast could she swim to the other side? She dashed the thought away before it could take root.

She swallowed, cornered in nothing but a scrap of lace for panties and a bra. She could probably get up to her knees before the burly mountain men had her pinned between them.

“What’s running through that pretty little mind of yours, sweetheart? You can trust us with the truth.” Despite the whiskey smoothness to his words, Riley shifted as if he followed her train of thought. Could she outrun them? Would they hunt her down?

If she answered his question they would peel away the last shield she had against their wickedness and she’d be left with nothing but her dimming willpower to protect her against the knotted desire that tightened in her womb. With a flick of her shoulder she looked anywhere but those mesmerizing eyes of theirs.