Page 61 of Mountain Men Heroes

“Like you don’t know,” he scoffed, hands raised above her head and looking at her like she should be able to read his mind.

Damon walked out of his back office and stepped up to her side before she could press for more information. Or before the pissed off man could deliver on the murderous glare he nailed her with.

“We got a problem, Ashwood?” Damon asked with brittle patience. She caught his underlying threat laced with a dangerous undercurrent. As a former cop who’d spent the better part of his career busting up drug rings from the inside, a pissed off mountain man in his bar was an easy day.

“Apparently, I’m the cause of Riley nearly getting hurt? I don’t know” Her gaze danced between the two men, her concern growing.

“What the hell does that mean?” Damon asked, as baffled as she was by the accusation.

“My boy is working a job he was supposed to leave a month ago.”

What? “Leave? He’s worked as a search and rescue climber for almost six years.” More than that, Holden and Riley were childhood friends despite the feud between the two families. She didn’t pry for details, the time she spent with them wasn’t for talking usually, but she knew it came down to land and money.

“He’s supposed to looking to build a family and getting ready to take over the family business as the oldest. And he would be if you hadn’t shown up.” His hands worked overtime, clenching into fists at his sides as his words became more of a deathly low growl. He took a step back as if to walk away but turned abruptly and nearly toppled her as anger slurred his next words, “Always count on a piece of pussy to fuck everything up.”

His arrogant superiority drove her heart to the floor. Each second that ticked by the shock wore off and her blood pressure spiked until all she could see was murderous red. Teeth clenched, she battled the tears that burned the rims of her eyes. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry, but her fingers itched to ball up and give him a good reason to hate her.

Off to the side several waitresses gasped at his vehement words and turned a worrisome shade of gray that matched their uniforms as they looked on, trays clutched to their chests. As if a flimsy piece of plastic could protect them against an angry drunk. The closer the Ashwood elder came, the farther they retreated until several booths separated them.

At least they had the common sense not to go toe-to-toe with the drunk, but Zahara didn’t have a choice—he’d called her out. Growing up in an orphanage taught her a thing or two. Fighting back was at the top of that short list.

For once Zahara was relieved Holden and Riley were not here to witness this outburst. Riley would be devastated and then he would be forced to protect her against his father. She didn’t want to be the cause of more friction between the two or give more fodder for the loose lips of the town.

Zahara took a half step forward before he could gain the entire floor for himself. Every bit she took removed a bit of control from the other guy, and she refused to give up one inch of ground to the pushy, egotistical asshole.

“If Riley dies today it will be your fault.”

Her heart constricted. Please, God, don’t let him die.

The blood left Zahara’s face and her mouth grew dry as she stared into the dead eyes of a man that lost all connection with emotion except for an unhealthy dose of spite and hate.

“I’ve heard enough,” Damon cut in. “Out Ashwood!”

“My business isn’t with you, boy. Now step aside.” Ashwood flicked a fat thumb at Damon, which only pissed him off more, judging by the way his eyes narrowed and he clenched his fingers into fists. By now everyone was looking at them. Even the rowdy crowd behind her piped down as they looked on.

“You’re in my bar, talking to my friends and family. I say it’s my problem. Like it or not.”

Family? Did he mean her?

“Her? Family? What the fuck has my boy done? You pregnant, bitch? With my boy’s baby or the other boys? A filthy Savage?” Disgust twisted his once handsome face into a pucker of hatred.

His tone lacked even the slightest of emotion one would expect from a loving parent. Blazing eyes turned on her, his condescending finger hovering in front of her nose.

“You don’t have to worry. That option isn’t even close to being on the table. So sorry Ashwood, won’t get any little mountain babies from me in this lifetime.”

Ashwood shot her with a look as if every word she said was a lie.

She only wished it were. She offered a tight-lipped smile in return. She had a hard enough time telling Holden and Riley about her injury and the past that led up to her being sterile. She didn’t need the whole town knowing all the sordid details too.

From the cold anger splashing across Damon’s expression, the shit was about to get real. Another minute and the one Savage brother who valued loyalty above all else looked ready to teach the old man Ashwood a life lesson his momma must have skipped over.

She sidled to the left a fraction for when fists joined the conversation. Which ultimately ended with blood and busted bones in this isolated part of the world, she’d quickly learned.

Her sister would make a fortune up here patching up headstrong, foolish men once she graduated.

Ashwood brushed Damon’s warning aside as if a pesky fly buzzed in his ear. That didn’t bode well for the older man. “Because of you, I’ll be lucky if he comes home at all. When are you gonna listen? You’re bad for him. Bad. I’ve said it from the beginning.” He pressed on, turning his wrath away from her and pinning Damon with a steely-eyed glare.

His words cut deep, but she had learned the hard way that verbal wounds healed. If something happened to Riley? Nothing would ever be okay again. She raised her gaze, locked eyes with a man she should fear and demanded an answer.