Page 49 of Mountain Men Heroes

“Try it and you won’t make it two feet before your brain is fertilizing the ground.”

She swung around at the sound of a deep, slow voice full of malicious intent that caught her off guard. She tensed and then suddenly every muscle in her body wanted to freaking weep with relief.

To her left where the ground crested over a ridge, three silhouettes weaved through the trees before she could make out solid details. Morning light had yet to touch that end of the woods. But she didn’t need night vision to know all hell was about to break loose and the Savages would be the ones dishing the mandatory ass whooping.

There wouldn’t be a day in her life she didn’t recognize that unique chiseled jaw and golden, piercing eyes of the Savage crew.

Her heart jumped for joy, but she didn’t dare let her finger off the trigger. She had four more rounds ready to pop a cap in anyone’s ass that came too close.

“Remy, you okay? The tallest of the three called out to her, his head low and his eyes leveled on the intruders.

She nodded, pushing to her feet.

“What are you kneeling for? Were you praying?”

“Maybe.” She answered Damon with a shrug, still aimed at the enemy. “Actually, yeah. I was kissing my ass goodbye. But thank God the cavalry showed up.” That had Ethan’s brothers smiling. If you could call the Savage brothers’ single-sided grins a form of smiling. To her and half the town it was more an easy glide that held so much sexiness, it kind of left a woman breathless.

“Yes, ma’am.”

One second all three men stood shoulder to shoulder, and in the next, they were by her side taking on what looked like Brax’s whole family. There were more hiding out of sight and didn’t make themselves known until the Savage boys appeared.

Small miracles. They did happen.

Murder shone in their eyes and she was caught in the middle. Damon moved her behind him. “Find Ethan,” he said and then it was all-out war.

She dodged around a tree but the young sapling did nothing to protect her when two-hundred pounds of muscle barreled into her.

How the hell did she end up in this position? Adventure. Right. Now she remembered. Her brothers said it would be fun.

“Oh shit.”

Damon took a blow to the face and then two men jumped on him. The former cop now bakery owner didn’t let the uneven odds hold him back.

She held her ground, but the closer the fight advanced the more nervous she became. She rounded a tree and narrowly missed a meaty fist angled at her head before a Savage brother could stop the hit.

“Low blow. Low blow, dude,” she chastised as she tucked behind yet another tree. They wouldn’t stop coming. Splinters broke off and shattered, catching her in the face and chest. Ferocious bellows rocked the forest and her heart hit the ground so many times she didn’t think it would ever recover from the beating it took.

Keep it together, chick! Keep. It. Together.

She hit the floor and rolled as Ethan’s came out of nowhere and flew over her to land on top of a man gunning for her.

He took him down and they rolled with Ethan coming out on top.

To her left, Brax stumbled out of the tree line and fell forward but didn’t make it far. Massive blows to the face had his eyes swollen halfway shut and blood oozed from several gashes. Ethan on the other hand only had a few marks in comparison. She knew the second the adrenaline crash hit he’d feel every inch of his body and the bullet hole in his leg, but right now he was too jacked up to feel a damn thing.

His brothers quickly surrounded them with Ethan coming to stand in front of her, dragging Brax with him by the throat.

She thought living in L.A. was wild.

“Why” Ethan bellowed.

Ethan backhanded Brax when he didn’t answer.

“Why, damn you!” He bellowed again. “Answer me!”

Brax struggled to regain his breathing. “Family,” he wheezed, his shoulders rising and falling with each hard breath. “It’s my only way back in. You of all people should know what that means.”

“No. You don’t get an easy pass. You’re nothing like me. There’s not a loyal bone in your treacherous body. We are nothing alike!” Ethan roared, lashing out with a solid punch across the face.