Page 27 of Mountain Men Heroes

She inhaled on a gasp and let out a slow, throaty moan. “You seem to like taking it from me.” Sharp nails he loved scraping across his skin now dug into the discarded pillows adorning the head of the bed. Anything within reach fell prey to her tight clutch.

Pulling out, he leaned over her delicate body, stroked the length of her spine with the rough pad of his thumb and took pride in how she arched beneath his touch as his hand slipped between her cheeks to replace his cock.

He stroked his thumb over the tiny nub between her swollen pussy lips. She raised just enough off the bed for him to see her hardened nipples to peek out from the white sheets.

Fuck, she was so damn beautiful and ripe.

He stroked her again this time teasing her back entrance at the same time.

“Argh, Ethan! You’re the devil in human flesh.”

She sounded agonized and his lips peeled back with a devilish grin. Remy pushed back into his waiting hand, her words muffled by the pillows propping her up as he worked to prove her right.

“Now, don’t be modest. You like my wicked side just a little bit, don’t you?” Gently, he parted her flared folds and teased her entrance as he showered small kisses along her bare shoulder. The scarlet scarf holding back her sight looked sinful playing in the long strands of her loose hair. If he was the devil, she was his forbidden angel.

Braced on an elbow, he leaned over her, a move that had his cock nestled in the crease of her ass. “What have you done to me, Remy?” he husked next to her ear.

Before she could answer the question he really didn’t want an answer to, Ethan dragged in a lungful of her scent and slid first one finger, then a second, into her dripping wet pussy, seeking the tight bundle of nerves hidden deep within.

In the last few weeks they’d spent together he’d learned what she loved, but more importantly what her body craved. How it responded to a slow, steady teasing. The flush of excitement that swept down her back like wildfire and spread across her ass let him know how much he affected her.

What she couldn’t know was how much she affected him.

Her channel clenched around his fingers and he slowed his rhythm. Warm, silky juices dripped out to wet his fingers and her thighs. Harsh moans met his ears. He flicked the small nub of nerves between her folds that had her trembling under his touch. He smiled against her shoulder and stroked his fingers back, lightly over her rear entrance between her parted cheeks.

She gasped and turned her head to the side. Those parted lips of hers a shy inch from his hungry mouth. “You don’t play fair.” Pouty lips and flushed cheeks were quickly becoming his downfall.

“Mmm. Never have. You already know that, though.”

He brushed his mouth against hers but pulled back before she could turn his teasing taste against him. It was hard enough holding on as it was.

“But neither do you because I’m not the one that packed an ungodly amount of scarves for a weekend mountain trip.” He tossed a glance at the suitcase perched on the end of the dresser. “What could one woman need with all that if not looking for a little foreplay?” he mouthed against the slight dip in her lower back.

Every time they fell between the sheets he courted the danger of losing himself to her.

“When you blush it reminds me of sunsets in the summertime over Esme’s Point. A mix of sherbet and cherries. Makes me hungry.” He nibbled his way up from her lower back.

Not that she could see how beautiful she looked all tied up and at his mercy, but every time she wiggled her ass his heart damn near tumbled out of his chest to lie at her feet, at her mercy. He’d never felt that over a woman before, but there were many things Remy had been the first with.

He slipped the scarf from her eyes.

“I like scarves, that’s all.” Her eyes, still dreamy from the sleep he woke her from earlier, slowly opened.

“Liar,” he countered as he tugged at the knots holding her wrists bound. With his free hand, Ethan gathered her hands and moved them to the top of the pillows while bringing her legs in closer to her chest. With her plump, rounded ass pressed back against his thighs, she parted for him willingly.

She countered, “So what if I am?”

“Don’t move, sweetheart.” Her lips quirked up in a half-smile. “I could stretch out your?—”

“—torture session. Ethan!” She cut in, wiggling her ass.

He smiled at the desperation in her tone.

“Serves you right for last night.” He stroked his fingers deep into the warm slickness of her channel while pressing his thumb against her swollen clit. Ethan leaned in and started working her faster. Harder until her core tightened around his fingers, rippling with the beginnings of her climax. “Not so fast, lover,” he teased and slowed, holding back her orgasm.

When she regained her breath, Remy continued if a little shaky, “But you loved me drizzled in caramel.”

Loved it? One taste of the sweet delicacy of her skin and he could not stop until he had her screaming his name. Several times over. She almost made him cave and spill his seed into her and he couldn’t have that.