Drake stood over Esmeralda and puffed a hot blast of air in her direction before he pushed his massive weight through the narrow entrance leading deeper into the den. Or at least that had been his plan. Had it gotten smaller since their last time up here?
He turned abruptly and caught her off-guard as she went to follow him.
“Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” he offered up cautiously, taking a step closer. He knew he needed to get her deeper into the den away from the ice wall at their back, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Couldn’t pull away until he knew if she was hurt.
As much as he tried, he couldn’t break the mesmerizing hold as she locked her gaze on him. Like honey to his senses, she lured him closer, whether she knew it or not. Standing this close to her if he leaned in a took her mouth with his, there would be no stopping from going fucking crazy in lust for her until he had her back in his bed and coming every which way he could think of. Then doing it all over again until he had her convinced to stay with him.
He bared his teeth with a smile, silently loving the way her attention darted between to his lips.
Irritated or not, the lust that swirled around them and brushed against his senses told a story of its own. Her gaze riveted farther south and his cock twitched under her heated attention.
“Oh, God. Your clothes. They’re ripped to shreds. What did you do? Fall down half the mountain or something getting here?”
“Or something.” That damn unforgiving rock face did do a number on his clothes and he could feel a few scratches on his face, too.
“You need something to wear. Those gashes won’t do anything to protect you from the cold. You’ll freeze. There’s a tarp and some other stuff. But by the looks of it…” Esmeralda paused midsentence long enough to draw her eyes to his, “...nothing on you appears affected by the cold.”
He smiled. The bulge in his pants did stand out, and he wouldn’t be doing any apologizing for it either.
She pursed her lips and crossed her arms as if to keep from reaching out, and it made him want to pin her against the wall and see if she still tasted like honey in the springtime.
“Come here, baby. Don’t worry about me.” He reached for her and felt a deep-seat relief when he wrapped his arms around her.
“I missed you and let’s be honest, you being here, seeing you again. It’s stirred up feelings for the both of us. You feel it too, don’t try to lie.” He had her face in his palms and refused to let her look away when she tried to hide from him.
“I don’t feel anything but cold.”
Drake dragged off a glove and captured a wisp of hair that fell loose around her heart-shaped face to brush against her plump lips. Gently, as not to spook his snow bunny, Drake traced the back of his knuckles along her jaw, tipped her head up and breathed in the deep sigh she released.
“Liar,” he accused in the same hushed tone he remembered always affected her.
Fire blazed in the depths of those green eyes and it mirrored the heat need that burned in him. An inch, maybe less, and he could have her lips pressed against his. Her body moving over him, his tongue delving within the warm lushness of her delectable mouth.
She would reject him, though. Like she had the last time he stood this close and begged her not to leave him.
“Are you going to eat me with your eyes or are you going to kiss me, Drake Savage?” Her words came out breathy and raspy with need. How many nights had he dreamed of her saying his name one last time? Stroked his cock and jacked off to the vision of her cemented in his memories?
He glided closer. She’d lost weight since he’d seen her last by the way her cheeks hollowed as she spoke. She’d had sweet, ample and feminine curves that were perfect for his larger size. He’d loved how she molded against his body. She wasn’t taking care of herself the way he would care for her if she was still his.
He would fix that.
Wedging his thigh between her legs, he caught her waist with one hand and hauled her close with his other pressed to the back of her head.
She would leave again, but not without knowing the truth. Knowing that they were intended for one another. He knew it like he knew his name and she did too, only she let money or her old many—maybe both—control her.
Gasps and moans melted into his mouth as he claimed her plump, parted lips. Heaven. Sweet, delicious fucking Heaven. The first taste of divinity after five years of tasteless fruit nearly brought him to his knees.
Soft palms pressed against his chest and right then he didn’t care how cold it was. He wanted nothing between them.
Their surroundings melted away. Adrenaline jacked up his heart rate and hammered against his chest. He’d lived on this mountain all his life and tolerated the cold better than most. He stripped off the ripped jacket and tossed it on the floor of the den, leaving only his long-sleeved shirt. With the avalanche covering the mouth of the den the cold winds had no way in and the inside was far warmer than he expected. Cold, but manageable for him.
With nimble fingers, he slipped the elastic band that held her long masses of sable hair away from her face and relished the way the silken strands slipped through his fingers. She’d grown it out. He tightened his grip around her thick, luscious hair and sank deeper into his siren’s heady taste.
Hot pre-cum spilled from the tip of his dick, and if she were to lower his zipper she’d find his boxers wet and his hungry cock ready for her. With the softest of touches, she glided a single finger up the length of his thickened cock through his pants. To his surprise she slipped a hand past the band and swirled the pad of her thumb over the fat head, making him growl.
“Fuck, Esme.” Steel bands wrapped around his gut and it took all he had not to rip her clothes off and fuck her long and hard.
For a fragile second, just one, he wanted to fall to his knees and beg her to stay.