“Ya know, umm, I don’t feel so good.” The ground rolled under her feet and the edges of her vision turned black.
“I’ve got you. It’s okay.” The fear of one hundred lifetimes flashed across Riley’s face.
Her eyelids slipped closed, but she jerked them wide again when Riley shook her gently. “You hit your head pretty bad. Stay awake.”
He palmed her face and ran his hands over her body as Holden rushed back from escorting Riley’s father to Reapers truck. “What’s wrong. Is she okay?”
“Just need a minute. It will pass,” she offered calmly.
She clutched Riley to her while Holden stood over her protectively with a hand braced on her shoulder.
“I’m so sorry about your dad, Riley. So sorry.”
“Don’t be. He did it to himself, baby girl. Today should have never happened, but I guess it’s something that had to be done,” he soothed in a whisper as Holden took her into his arms.
She nodded numbly, unable to do much else.
Reaper walked over to them, looking every bit the massive mountain man he was with a look of regret tightening his handsome features.
“I am sorry for your pain.”
She pushed out of Riley’s arms and stood then regretted it immediately as she fell forward. Reaper, moved to steady her, looking pointedly at her leg where the fire had left a small burn and her head where blood trickled down from her temple.
“You’re men are lucky to have such a determined, loyal woman by their side.”
Water welled behind her lashes. “Thank you for being here today. I don’t know how you knew, but I’m glad you arrived when you did. I’m not sure Riley would have held back much longer.”
“Jin and Rebel called. Don’t shed any tears for that old man. He is a horrible person as I am sure your men will tell you if you haven’t already seen it for yourself.”
She nodded.
The fire of anger and pain that ate at her ebbed. “You’re right.”
Riley and Holden stood to either side, their body heat a balm to her nerves.
She wobbled forward as her men supported her on either side. She reached for Reaper’s hand, holding his gaze. She turned to look at Holden and Riley. “I think I can speak for all of us when I say we are in your debt and you are welcomed here anytime, Reaper.”
He smiled in answer, “I owe your family much more than just using my badge. But thank you.” And then he said nothing more.
“From all of us,” added Holden clasping Reaper’s full arm, we won’t forget what you did for Ethan and Remy either. “As Zahara said, we are in your debt for taking that problem off our hands.” He nodded toward the cruiser holding Ashwood.
“If you need us for anything all you have to do is ask,” Riley added.
He said nothing in return but nodded his appreciation. “I see the fire has died thanks to your cousins. I’ll have men here in one week to help rebuild. My brothers also have a debt to repay.”
“That oughta be interesting,” Riley said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Looking into her eyes, he gave a nod as if reassuring himself all was well and she truly lived and breathed beside him.
They turned to go as Holden called over his shoulder, “Is your name really Reaper? You don’t have a second job that involves a scythe, do you?”
“Bram Wolfe.” He offered with a positively evil grin.
No kidding.
Her mouth tipped up in a half-smile. “You know that’s a pretty damn badass name. I bet women love it.”
His smile grew and the mirth played over his expression. It was spooky with how pale blue his eyes were in the shadows of the trees, but handsome as hell all at once.
Her knees gave, and Riley swung her into his arms. “Guys, I don’t feel so good.”