“Thought you knew better than to run. Sounds like you need to be punished for your crimes.”
“And we have the perfect punishment in mind,” Riley added from the doorway all smiles.
Her eyes widened with a hint of fear and danced between them, but beneath all the ‘I can’ts’ and talk about flights, he could still smell her arousal and taste her cum on his lips from moments ago.
The devil on his shoulder whispered for him to toss her on the bed and convince her of how wrong she was and that she belonged to them. And to make her thighs wetter than even her wet dream. Riley’s eyes darkened as he read Holden’s hesitation. Zahara’s hands shook as she pressed them against his chest. Holden’s lips brushed hers and the throaty moan he lifted from her was pure adrenaline to his heart.
She pulled back but not before moaning into his kiss. “I know that trick, Holden Savage. Don’t even think about it.”
She wiggled in his arms and his smile broadened. “You’re not doing much to dissuade me, baby.”
She tried not to smile but the dimples in her cheeks appeared, shadows playing in the small dips at the corner of her lips.
“Then plan B it is,” Riley added as he opened the bedroom door wide for them.
Holden heaved her weight over his shoulder and laughed when she squeaked.
“Shh. You’ll wake Damon across the hall and we all know the bear he can be before coffee.”
With their treasure loaded in his arms, Riley took over and pointed the truck in the direction of home.
Zahara did that shimmy thing with her hips in his lap and in the shorts she had on he knew she didn’t miss the hard length of his cock pressed up against that tight little ass of hers.
She crossed her arms, shoving the sweet swells of her breasts high.
“Kidnap me. Fine. But this doesn’t change anything.”
A pretty scowl scrunched her face up into a frown. Little minx. It was hard not to turn her over and spank her hot ass right that second.
“I get back into town and Drake has to take me where I want to go.”
Riley swung his arm over the back and she leaned into him. Consciously or unconsciously she knew she was safe with them.
“We’ll drive you back to Fairbanks ourselves and see to it you hitch the next ride to Houston if that’s what you want. But for now, give us one day?” Holden stared at Zahara’s sweet countenance as she considered their request. At least he hoped she was mulling it over. Lately, her face took on a blank expression when faced with a decision, her only tell came from the way she fiddled with the tips of her hair.
A mix of fury worked deep in the set of her shoulders though her eyes gleamed with curiosity and pure stubbornness clutched her mouth in a tight, straight line. He could practically reach out and touch her stubborn streak it stretched so damn wide. A smile pushed to show itself but he worked his composure, not wanting to tease her into demanding they turn the truck around right now.
“Don’t think I’m going to change my mind in one day.” She held up a single digit to drive her point home and then crossed her arms over her breasts, the cotton pulling tight to reveal the dip of her cleavage and hard tips poking against the thin barrier of clothing.
“Everything will work out, baby. You’ll see.”
That was Riley. Always optimistic.
“One,” she repeated. “That’s all you have. One day.”
That one word from her sweet lips was all he needed to hear.
He could convince anyone of anything given enough time. Zahara didn’t stand a chance against them. She was theirs. If she wanted Houston then they wanted Houston. It seemed pretty easy. But he could see how happy Savage Ridge made their woman. He doubted some jam-packed city gave her the freedom he’d seen her enjoy here.
He liked to play the odds, true, but he leaned toward the realistic side of thinking. She could turn them both down. What if she truly didn’t want them? He’d swallow his pride because her happiness meant more to him than his own, but it would hurt like hell. He’d live with that if he had to. But damn it, she was going to have one day with them and no interruptions.
Savage Ridge faded in the rearview mirror. The next couple of hours passed in silence and he was content letting her switch between his lap and Riley’s.
Before long Riley veered the truck off from the main highway and hit a no-name dirt road for a couple of miles before getting to their house. Switchback turns led them through narrow passages, along trails that didn’t look like much more than half-assed guesstimates they were headed the right way until Riley finally stopped and threw the truck in park.
The little nook they had in mind was completely off the beaten path. Located on the far reaches of the Savage property, only the brothers knew about this particular secret hideaway.
Zahara leaned forward, curiosity lighting a spark in her eyes. “Where are we?” The last thirty minutes of their ride she had stirred from her slumber and sat quietly between them and watched the mountainous countryside pass by. Her eyes taking in everything in the comfortable silence.