Page 59 of Mountain Men Heroes

“After Mom died, I had to raise you. Followed by a rotten ass engagement. What’s holding you back?”

“That’s easy.” Her sister snorted. “People. And have you tried dating doctors?”

She agreed. Until Savage Ridge. Despite the abrasive winters and plummeting temperatures, the people were warm and friendly. But her sister didn’t trust easy smiles and friendly people. Truth be told, neither should she, but Zahara never could be as cold and calculating as her little sister. Probably how she ended up with the asshole fiancé, to begin with.

“Lucky duck is all I’m saying. Two men? Damn, where do you put it all? I mean, you know?” Despite the undertones, her sister’s words struck her hard.

Zahara fumbled and caught herself as a sudden wave of heat struck her in the midsection. Some of the men beside her stood, hands outstretched to help her.

“Hey, sis, everything okay?”

“Yeah.” Zahara waved off her rescuers with a smile as they helped right her and the massive tub of dirty dishes she carried.

“I just tripped,” she answered, “I’m more worried about you. What’s up? You okay?” She deflected her sister’s worry.

“Yep. Dazzling,” Ivy drew out, no doubt kicking back in her favorite chair with some kind of action flick playing in the background of their apartment.

Being dumped at an orphanage and passed around from home to home from the age of ten had a way of hardening a girl’s heart to the world. Zahara understood her sister’s reservations. But she could see through the tough act. Always had.

“Look, I’ll be flying back home by the end of the month. Then maybe we can have a full weekend of just us, some pizza and beer and John Wick.” Nothing stood a chance against a Kennedy girl’s night of cheap, cheesy food and drinks.

Zahara waved at an older couple coming in for the early bird special before she turned the corner and walked to the back part of the kitchen. “Hey, Mave, got another round for you.”

“Thanks, Teach.” Her student threw up a sudsy hand and tossed her a smile before returning to his task. His head bopping to the tune in his earbuds. Ah. The bliss of being a teenager.

Cinder blocks weighed down her steps the longer the day dragged out, and her fingers still throbbed from slinging all the frosted mugs and piping hot plates she handled.

Zahara dodged a couple of waitresses and eased out of the way.

“It’s a date, but you sure you wanna come back for old movies when you have two men waiting for you?”

She rounded the corner to the right into the storage room.

“I can hear the hesitation and you didn’t even say anything, sis. You like them, don’t you?”

Like them? She was pretty damn sure she was head over heels for them and that was the problem.

Holden was the alpha. Pure 100% panty-melting male who took control with both hands and not an ounce of regret. Riley knew exactly how to take control without her realizing until it was too late and she was deep under his wicked spell. The way he worked her body with his whispered words meant only for her had a way of releasing the weight of the world from her shoulders.

Together her men drove her crazy in every possible way and were a lethal combination that she didn’t think she’d ever be able to shake.

Even now just thinking about them had the walls of her vagina spasming and hot liquid spilling free to wet her folds.

Several waiters bustled behind her, busy preparing for the dinner crowd due in a couple of hours. Zahara tucked herself around the corner and lowered her voice.

Keep to the facts, she reminded herself. “It’s time to cut loose,” Zahara began. She no longer had control over herself. All she had to do was think of them and her body was ready for a fuck-a-thon. “I never planned for this. All I had to do was one year. Collect my bonus check to pay off your tuition for the year and then be back there with you. It’s time I get my ass back on track.”

“I’m a grown girl. You don’t need to mother me anymore, Zahara. Plus, you can’t keep everything tidy and by the book all the damn time. Nothing ever goes according to plan, anyway so why the hell are you beating yourself up for enjoying two hot bodies? Life’s messy as fuck. You already know that. Or at least you should.” Her words softened. “Or when things don’t go right, you just end up hurt.”

She snorted fidgeting with the plastic wrap protecting a stack of paper napkins on the shelf beside her. “That’s a freaking understatement. Since when are you the reasonable one?”

Glass dishes clanked followed by bellowed orders one after another from the cook overseeing evening prep work. Zahara winced.

“I’ve soaked in a few things despite many efforts to the contrary,” her sister teased, and out of nowhere, a punch of nostalgia hit Zahara head-on. A memory of them as little girls, her sister clutching her hand as the lady from child services with the steely eyes and clipped tone led them away from their mother’s slumped body. As the older sister, she understood the needles and pills spilled across the coffee table, but to Ivy, their mother had left them. Abandoned them to live or die. In a way, she was right.

“You know it's okay, right? To be happy for once?” It seemed her baby sister had grown up in the last year and found a few answers of her own.

She braced her forearm against the wall. Handing over the reins for a few hours for some sexy times was one thing, but to trust them with her heart? Her future?