“You know what? I am feeling a little off today. Would you mind if we got the food wrapped up to go and giving me a ride back to Mac’s house?”
Her eyes clouded with concern and she hopped up from the table. “Of course. I…” Her voice trailed off and her eyes narrowed, her gaze moving to a spot over my shoulder.
I glanced back to see what grabbed her attention and saw my three new buddies shuffling out of the bathroom. Fear lingered on their faces, but the bitchiest of the bunch pushed her nose in the air and started walking in our direction.
“What did they say to you, Gabriella? Are you all right?”
“Nothing they’ll ever say again if they know what’s good for them,” I said in a hard voice as they sashayed past.
When I glanced back at Trinity, her eyes had grown big as saucers and she had a grin to match.
“Never mind. Maybe they’re the ones that should have my sympathy.” She laughed and waved down our waitress. “I don’t know what you said to put the fear of God into them, but boy do I wish you got here two months ago. I could have used some backup.”
I laughed along with her. “Well, you’ve got backup now.”
A little voice inside my head whispered that might not be true for much longer. How could I stay with Mac knowing he’d never trust me the way Sawyer did Trinity? What if once the baby arrived he asked me to move on? What if he hasn’t asked me to marry him because he doesn’t want that kind of responsibility?
Walking away from him now would break my heart. Sticking around until he decided to kick me out like all my former foster parents seemed cruel to me and my child.
“Still want to go home?” Trinity asked.
“If you don’t mind. I think I’ve had all I can stomach today.”
Back at Mac’s house—I couldn’t bring myself to think of it as home anymore—I paced along the windows in the great room, agitated and a bit snarly.
My mind tossed around all the options I had. The one clear thing was this could not be my home. I could not stay here another night. I knew Mac cared about me. I knew he wanted me sexually. But now I also knew we’d moved too fast. Just as I feared. I wanted what Sawyer and Trinity had. That man’s fierce protectiveness made itself clear anytime they were in the same room together. The feelings between those two were tangible.
Maybe at one time what Mac and I shared would be enough for me. We cared about each other and about the little family we were creating together. That much I knew.
But knowing we were both forced into this made the feeling unstable.
I couldn’t stay here and wonder if Mac truly wanted me. So I had to go.
With my decision made, I stalked upstairs, intent on getting packed.
It didn’t take long. I hadn’t arrived with much, and I hadn’t added anything to my meager possessions during my stay except for a few maternity clothes. I could have all the baby items shipped to wherever I ended up.
I pulled the zipper closed and then sat down on the bed next to my suitcase.
The phrase all dressed up and nowhere to go started dancing through my head. That was me. All packed up and no place to call home.
I sniffled and, startled by the sound, reached up to find my cheeks wet with tears.
Crap. This was not the time for a pity party. Damn pregnancy hormones. I wiped my cheeks with the backs of my hands.
I needed to think and come up with a plan. I’d packed up all my stuff.
I obviously wasn’t cut out to have a family, and I hated to think about what that meant for my baby.
I rubbed my hand over my belly. “Sorry, Slugger. You deserve a better mommy. But I’m the one you’ve got. I promise I’ll make sure you never feel like you don’t have a family. You’ll always have everything you need.”
Now I just had to figure out how to keep that promise.
The front door opened and slammed shut before I came up with an answer.