“I’m going to come,” I gasped. “I can’t wait. Please don’t make me wait!”
“Come, baby. We have you.” Eeli’s picked up speed and I moved over him, matching him thrust for thrust. I plunged down over him one last time and bright white lights burst behind my eyes.
Eeli jerked beneath me and I could feel him emptying every last drop of his seed inside me as wave after wave of heat burst through me. I shook with the pleasure rocking through me until I finally fell forward onto him.
The next thing I was aware of was a hand pulling the blindfold from my eyes. I found myself cradled between Eeli and Dyson, the two of them stroking my body as I came back down to earth.
It took a few minutes to return to myself, but when I settled a quick scan of my surroundings showed we were in a beautiful log cabin. The rafters in the great room where we sat on the couch went up two stories. An enormous stone fireplace took up almost an entire wall on one side, and on the other, a wall of windows showed the fading twilight lighting the forest outside.
“Where are we?” I nuzzled my cheek against Eeli’s chest. “This place is gorgeous.”
Dyson’s large hand smoothed up and down my legs and he offered me one of his gorgeous smiles. “I’m very happy to hear you like it.”
“Me, too,” Eeli said, his smile matching Dyson’s.
I sat up straighter and looked between my men. “What’s going on? What are you two up to?”
Dyson and Eeli exchanged a look before Dyson grinned. “You know how Eeli and I have had that extra project at work that’s kept us so busy the last couple of months?”
I nodded. I had done my best not to complain, but I’d decided today if my brother wasn’t done making them work such crazy hours, he was going to hear from me. I’d started thinking that even though Sawyer had seemed fine with everything, maybe he hadn’t accepted us and this was his way of keeping us apart.
“Well, we haven’t been working,” Eeli said.
“You haven’t?” I pulled my brows together. “Then where have you been spending all your time?”
“Here.” Dyson flicked his hand, gesturing to the house.
Eeli nodded. “When we found this place, it needed a lot of work, but we knew it would be perfect.”
“Perfect?” I asked.
“For us. For our family,” Dyson said.
“For us?” My gaze traveled around the gorgeous house. “You mean…?”
“This place is ours. The place where we'll grow our family.”
My mouth dropped open and I hopped to my feet, not caring a bit that I was only half-dressed and their seed spilled down my thighs. My eyes went over the house, over each gorgeous feature—the big windows that allowed the outdoors inside, the chef’s kitchen on the other end of the great room, the stairs climbing up to a second floor where I imagined I’d find enough rooms to fill up with a big family. And in one corner of the great room sat my guitars, a chair, a music stand and a cabinet. Like a music room right in the middle of our home. Out where everyone could see it. My heart skipped a beat and my hand went to my chest.
“It’s ours?” I asked in a whisper.
Dyson and Eeli stood., their jeans open in that sexy way that always left me half brain numb. Dyson was the first to reach me and pull me into his arms and Eeli molded his front to my back, the position now achingly familiar and comfortable.
“Welcome home, Clara.” Eeli pressed a kiss to my bare shoulder, his hands traveling over my abdomen and up to cradle my breast. He palmed the heavy weight and Lord help me, my body was ready for more of their kind of loving.
I sent him a smile and then looked up at Dyson. “I found my home the minute you two made me yours.” Dyson’s gaze softened and a glance at Eeli showed a similar expression. “But this place is a close second.”
“You like it?” Dyson brushed my hair away from my face.
I put my hand over Eeli’s “I love it.” I didn’t even need to see another inch of it to know it was true. “Almost as much as I love you two.”
My men pulled me close once more and it would be a good long while before I got to explore my new house.
But I was okay with that. The house was beautiful, but it was nothing compared to the home I found in the arms of my mountain alphas.