Page 233 of Mountain Men Heroes

After tossing and turning most of the night, I finally gave up on sleep and got out of bed as the sun kissed the sky. I poked my head into the other bedroom to find both of my guys sleeping.

I’d be lying if I didn’t say I took my time watching them while they slept. There wasn’t anything peaceful about it. Eeli tossed and turned, his brows drawn together, his jaw tight.

I curbed the desire to soothe him with my touch. As much as I wanted to be the one to do that, my fear was I’d have the opposite effect and provoke a more violent reaction. And while I wasn’t that concerned for my safety, stupid as that might be, I worried what it would do to Eeli if he hurt me, even accidentally, in his sleep.

Dyson rested a little more peacefully at first glance. But as I watched, it became apparent that even in sleep he was on high alert. He appeared to be completely relaxed until Eeli shifted even the slightest bit. Then his body stiffened and fists tightened on the comforter that had been pushed down around his waist. He’d relax back into his pillows after a few minutes, but the instant Eeli stirred, it started again.

I sighed and wandered over to the closet, grabbing a plaid flannel shirt from a hanger and pulling it over my T-shirt and panties. I paused another second before heading back out to get the coffee started.

Life might not be all sunshine and roses right this instant, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t take my opportunities for happiness where I could. And boy did I get topped off on happiness staring at the broad, bare chests resting in the bed in front of me.

That vision was enough to put a little spring in my step as I went in search of the coffee pot.

I drank a cup of coffee and waited to hear my guys stirring. As soon as the shower turned on, I hopped up and started breakfast. I decided this day called for a hearty breakfast and lots of comfort food.

Eeli wandered in while I flipped the first batch of pancakes. He walked up behind me and slid an arm around my waist, kissing my neck.

I giggled at the feel of his lips and whiskers in such a sensitive spot. “Morning. Hope you’re hungry.”

“Starved.” He planted another kiss, this one directly under my ear, his hands sliding to my hips. I turned slightly to see he’d put on a pair of sweats that hung low on his hips. He looked just-out-of-bed rumpled and his chest was bare. I swallowed. Hard.

Before I could do what I wanted to do—namely turn off the burner under the pancakes and pull Eeli down to the floor to find out exactly what I’d been missing out on all these years—someone knocked on the door.

“I’ve got it,” Dyson called as he stepped out of the bedroom. He looked freshly showered and he was pulling a T-shirt over his head as he moved. My eyes gobbled up the sight of his abs, following the path of his shirt until all his skin was covered.

I blew out a sigh and Eeli laughed. I grinned up at him and turned back to my pancakes.

“Hey, man, sorry to barge in so early but Mac and I wanted to talk to you before work.”

I froze solid at the sound of Sawyer’s voice. Crap. This wasn’t how I planned on sharing my new not-so-single status with my family.

Eeli shifted protectively in front of me as I glanced down at myself, covered from shoulders to thigh by the oversized flannel shirt with no other clothing visible.

Well, shit.

“Oh, sorry, we didn’t realize you had company,” Sawyer said.

I inhaled deeply and then blew it out. This was going to happen sooner or later. Eeli and Dyson and I were not a fling that would be swept under the rug.

I stepped out from behind Eeli.

Sawyer’s gaze hit me. His eyes went wide and a wrinkle appeared between his eyebrows. “Clara? What the holy fuck are you doing here?”

But even as he spoke, his eyes raked over me. His gaze darted from Eeli to Dyson and the pancakes cooking on the stove. He’d have to be pretty stupid not to put two and two together. And my brother was not stupid.

“I ask what the hell is going on here?” Sawyer’s voice was a growl and I could see amber seeping into his eyes.

Eeli stepped closer to me, his arm wrapping around my waist and curling me protectively into his body. I placed a hand on his chest, and it didn’t escape my notice that my brother’s eyes followed every single one of my movements.

“We’re together,” Eeli said simply. I winced at the way he worded that.

Sawyer’s eyes flared and Dyson moved his body, shifting subtly to position himself between Sawyer and Mac and Eeli and me.

My heroes. As serious as the situation was, I had to admit to taking that one tiny moment to relish the way my guys took care of me.

“You’re dating? My sister?” Anger and disbelief colored Sawyer’s voice. I was surprised the air around him didn’t turn red.
