I might not have much experience with sex and everything that went along with it. But that didn’t mean I was naïve enough to miss the expressions of desire and need that sharpened their features.
Staring at them, I could feel an answering push of desire moving through me, pouring through my veins, and moving like molten lava to pour hot liquid between my thighs.
Down girl. I did my best to tamp down my need. We had some ground to cover before I jumped either one—or better still, both—of them.
But I was reserving the right to jump them as soon as possible.
I sighed as a weight lifted from me as the reality of my desire for both men settled deep into my heart and soul. With an instinct I never realized I possessed, I knew Will was right. This was exactly as it was supposed to be.
Something in my expression brought incredulous looks from both men. I fought back the urge to laugh. “Sorry, guys. It’s just…” I shook my head as I racked my brain for the best place to start.
“What did you guys think of my music?” The words popped from my mouth before I made the conscious decision to start there. As soon as they were out, I didn’t find it so hard to fight off any level of amusement.
My music meant the world to me, as much as my strays and rescue animals. And sitting here with the two men I wanted to claim as my own, the answer to that question felt like the most important thing I’d ever heard.
I let my gaze drop to my lap, and played with a thread on the edge of my shirt.
“Clara, look at me.” Dyson’s voice came softer than I’d ever heard it before.
I slowly raised my head and found myself the object of two gazes that touched me with a gentleness that made emotions I couldn’t quite name quake through me.
“Your music, that song you sang, it was incredible,” Dyson said, his face solemn as if he knew exactly how much his answer meant to me. He held my eyes, his gaze unwavering.
I stared for several long seconds before looking to Eeli. His usual hard features were transformed by an almost boyish grin. “Baby, when you started singing, I felt it in my dick. When I realized it was you up there, I wanted to kill every man in the room who got to hear it.” He shook his head with a small chuckle. “If I didn’t know you were mine before, the second I heard you singing would have clinched it.”
My jaw dropped.
I lunged forward and flung my arms around Eeli’s neck. Before he had a chance to do anything, I pressed my lips to his and kissed him for all I was worth.
Eeli sat frozen underneath me for a long beat. But then he was kissing me back. His arms clamped around me, holding me tightly to him. His mouth slanted over mine and his tongue tested the seam of my lips, demanding entrance.
I opened to him, pressing myself even closer as I shifted to straddle his lap. My hands fisted in his hair, and as his tongue plunged inside for his first taste of me, a mixture of happiness and exultation and pure unadulterated lust rose within me with such force, all I could do was cling to him.
A hand, not one of the ones Eeli had closed around me, smoothed over my shoulder, pushing my hair back from my face. I pulled away from Eeli with a gasp, gulping for air.
Dyson’s hand on my shoulder moved to my chin, turning me to face him. His eyes were blazing at me with a deep need I couldn’t deny. Tightening my thighs over Eeli’s lap to keep my balance, as well as keep the connection to Eeli, I leaned in and kissed Dyson.
Dyson’s kiss was different. Where Eeli started out hard and needy, Dyson’s was a slower build. He nibbled on my bottom lip, dragging it between his teeth to give it a gentle tug that made me moan into his mouth as my eyes drifted closed.
He used the tip of his tongue to tease and coax me to open up to him. With the knowledge that Eeli’s hands braced me on his lap so I was in no danger of falling, I allowed my body to melt into Dyson’s as the kiss deepened, turned possessive.
He stroked his tongue inside and I moved a hand to cup his hard jaw, keeping my other hand braced on Eeli’s chest.
When Eeli shifted restlessly beneath me, I slowly eased myself back from Dyson’s kiss, feeling just as breathless as I had after Eeli’s. I opened my eyes slowly to find two sets of eyes pinned to me, watchful and waiting.
I skipped my gaze between the two as I tried to absorb what just happened. Sure, earlier I’d sort of accepted the fact I was meant to be both Dyson and Eeli’s. But back then it was pure theory. I hadn’t dwelled too long on the whys or hows.
But now…now I’d more than dwelled. I’d tasted and touched and reveled. Not nearly as much as I wanted to, but it was a beginning.
As my scattered and jumbled thoughts began to reassemble from all the corners they fled to as I’d fed on the mouths of two men currently staring at me, a slow grin formed on my lips.
All my secrets were out. Dyson and Eeli learned about my singing. And while they might not be thrilled I’d been hanging out in bars in various mountain towns and a few nearby cities without any protection—and knowing them the way I did, I knew they wouldn’t consider Will, Jack, and Dean real protection no matter how well-meaning my bandmates were—their reactions told me they liked my song.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Dyson’s eyes were filled with concern.
I shook my head, not losing the smile for a second. “I’m way beyond okay.” I couldn’t help it, I leaned in and pressed a hard and fast kiss on his lips. Then I turned back to Eeli and gave him the same. “You like my music.”
Eeli’s heavy-lidded gaze moved from his inspection of my mouth to meet my eyes.