I reached over and punched him in the shoulder.
“Ouch.” He rubbed the spot absently. “Seriously, though, I don’t know. It kind of makes sense, doesn’t it? I mean, if those guys have some sort of weird connection to each other, maybe the only way to move forward is with both of them. Together.”
I wrinkled my nose at him. “Share?”
The idea seemed so foreign to me.
But even as I had that thought, I could feel the energy they sparked inside me stir to life. I let my mind wander over the possibility of being with both Dyson and Eeli.
And okay, let’s be real here, not a woman alive wouldn’t indulge in that fantasy for a few minutes. Dyson and Eeli were smokin’ hot men.
But the feelings that flooded me were more than desire. Not that desire wasn’t there. The need flowing through me was real. There was so much more entwined with the desire, though.
I imagined waking up with them every day. I imagined cooking dinner and sitting around the table with my men at the end of each day. I entertained the idea of being part of both of them and helping them to heal from whatever hurt still lingered so deep inside them.
And yes, I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit that I lingered over the thoughts of making love to them every night. Running my hands over Dyson’s rippled abdomen. Kissing my way across Eeli’s hard chest. Being held between both, as they touched and teased my body. Their beards leaving me warm and wet between my thighs.
I bolted up from the couch, my breath coming in heavy pants when a wave of uncontrollable need to find both men clamped around my heart.
“Clara? Are you okay?”
I looked around the room, a little frantic, trying to find an outlet for all the emotion and energy that threatened to twist me inside out.
“Clara?” Will stood and took a few steps toward me.
I put my hand up. “Give me a second, Will. I just need a minute.”
He watched me warily, not closing the distance between us.
“Well, at least one good thing,” Will said.
I whirled to face him. “Will,” I all but growled.
His only response was a small smile that only tipped his lips up a bit before he said softly, “Clara, this is a good thing. You have the answer you needed. You’re not broken. You’ve just accepted you’re in love with two men. Your soulmates.”
My soulmates. Plural.
“But how do I…” I shook my head, not even knowing what to ask.
Will finally closed the distance between us, putting an arm over my shoulders and pulling me in for a warm hug. “You figured out the tough part. I have faith the three of you can figure out the rest.”
The three of us. Something inside me eased as I allowed the idea to take root. As impossible as it might be, the only thing that seemed to calm me was admitting to myself that I had strong feelings for both Dyson and Eeli.
I tried the idea out one more time. My soulmates.
I leaned my forehead against his shoulder and let out a soft sigh. I had no idea if Dyson and Eeli shared my feelings. No idea how all this would work.
All I knew was that the only thing to bring me any peace over the days since I started Operation Separate and Conquer was the thought of being claimed by the two men I wanted to help more than anything. Dyson and Eeli.
I continued seeking comfort in Will’s hug until another thought had me standing up straight with a gasp.
Holy hell. I could barely grasp the idea of spending my life with not one but two males. How on earth was I going to break it to my brothers? My parents. I shudder.
“I think I’m going to need another drink.”