Page 199 of Mountain Men Heroes

Trinity lost it. She started howling with laughter, her whole body vibrating with it. Sawyer turned a scowl on her and she started laughing harder, tears springing to her eyes.

I fought off a smile of my own. I was annoyed at my brother, for sure, and more than a little concerned about Dyson and Eeli, but Trinity’s laughter was contagious. And really, Sawyer could do and say what he wanted. None of it would sway me.

After almost a full minute, she quieted, wiping the trace of dampness from beneath her eyes. “I’m sorry. But that was hilarious. You use the f-bomb so often, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you invented the word. Hearing you correct a grown woman about her language.…sorry, baby, that’s too funny. And you’re lucky I love you because you almost deserve a good right hook, too.”

Sawyer continued to scowl. But I think some of what Trinity said might actually have sunk in a tiny bit. I could see something working behind the scowl, a hint of understanding that made a small kernel of hope grow inside me.

All I could do was shrug. “Like I said. I’m used to it.”

“Wouldn’t it be nice to get unused to it?” Trinity asked, turning serious.

Huh. The thought danced through my head—the freedom of being able to be myself without my brothers breathing down my neck. How amazing would it be to share all of myself with my family? Not just the bits and pieces of myself they’d find acceptable?

I focused back on Trinity and Sawyer only to find my brother considering me with a thoughtful look.

After a moment, he shook his head. “I’m going to go see what kind of trouble Mac is getting up to.”

He pressed a fast, hard kiss on Trinity’s lips and then stood, walking out the sliders into Aunt Nola’s backyard.

I stared after him a minute and then found my gaze pulled back to the two men in the corner. For the first time in a long time, I felt live wires inside me crackle and dance around. Odd energy traveled through my body and tugged at my heart. It was similar to the tug I got when I found another animal in need of rescuing or worked to find homes for the abandoned pets at my shelter. Something about it wasn’t quite the same, though.

As the intensity grew, my nerve endings began to fire like little pinpricks under my skin. A bevy of butterflies swept through my stomach and a fierce feeling of possessiveness clawed its way through me, digging in and settling into every fiber of my being. Which was odd. I always thought the men were supposed to be the possessive, protective ones.

With my gaze firmly trained on Dyson and Eeli, I could almost hear my rational brain click off and something much more deep and primitive switched on. Only one word could take form in my mind.


“Hey, Clara, you okay?” A soft hand landed on my shoulder and gave me a gentle shake.

I blinked, fighting my way through the thick fog overtaking my mind. I shifted my gaze to find Trinity leaning forward in her seat, her brows pulled together in worry.

I shook my head. “Sorry. I guess I drifted off there for a second.”

She wiggled back into the couch and she glanced between me and the spot where Dyson and Eeli stood. I don’t know how long I’d been lost in my own little world, but judging by the smirk slowly twisting Trinity’s lips, I’d have to guess it was long enough to be noticeable.

“Drifted off. Yeah, okay. I guess that’s one way of putting it,” she teased.

I sank deeper in my seat. “What? I can’t be worried about guys I grew up with?”

“Oh, was that concern I saw on your face? ‘Cause from where I was sitting, it looked more like…hunger. Horny hunger.” Laughter clung to her voice.

I squinted, wrinkling my nose. “I was just trying to think of how I can help Dyson and Eeli. They’re good friends, and I hate to see them having a hard time.”

Her laughter died, but I could see the amusement still lurking behind her eyes and in the tipped-up corners of her mouth. “I understand. I know the guys have all been worried about them. And it would be great if you could figure out a way to get them back to themselves.” A wicked grin stole over her face and I braced myself. “Of course, from the look you were wearing, I’d say maybe you’ve thought of a few things you’d like to try. And at least two of them were totally X-rated.”

I shot her a dirty look as she grinned at me, but movement from the corner caught my attention. Dyson and Eeli turned almost in unison and headed for the back door. Crap. Were they leaving?

At the thought, my heart started racing and a voice inside me screamed for me to get up and follow them. It took a great deal of strength to stay rooted in my spot.

I turned to Trinity and decided I’d take my chances and confess. I had to tell someone the feelings I’ve had stirring inside me long before just tonight. “Okay, so I might have noticed over the years that Dyson and Eeli are totally hot.”

She nodded. “Oh, yeah. Totally.”

I grinned, but then let it slip from my face as I went on more quietly, “But I really do think they need some help. I wish I could think of something to do.”

The minute the words left my mouth, a resolve grew inside me. I would help them. I wasn’t going to sit here wishing I could do something. I’d keep trying until I found a way to break through.

I was going to do whatever it took to bring Dyson and Eeli back to life. And if something happened between us, well, I’d consider that one of life’s sweet surprises and wouldn’t that rock my family to the core.