She couldn’t think. He didn’t allow her to think. Only feel. Isn’t that what she wanted. “Please. The other one. More. Yes, more of that.”
Battling her unruly desire, Esmeralda took a deep breath when his lips grazed along the tender flesh of her abdomen until he came to her bellybutton and stilled. Blunt teeth scraped against flesh and metal. A gentle tug to the jewelry caused a rush of liquid to fill her pussy and wet her thighs. She gasped when a deep rumbling growl quaked the space between her thighs. No vibrator she had felt like that.
“Spread for me, sweetheart.” She watched his eyes zero in on her swollen folds where her throbbing clit begged for his attention. He leaned in, the pads of his thumbs spreading her open for him to see all of her.
“I can’t. I can’t do this.” She wanted to scream with all the frustration that boiled inside her.
“What will everyone think of me?”
Between torturing her and making her freaking crazy, he mumbled, “Does it matter, sweetheart?”
“Maybe. I don’t know.”
“Let me tell you what I do know.”
She didn’t like the sound of that.
“You may not be mine, not yet anyway, but never forget. I know the taste of your cream and I'm hungry for another.”
The walls of her pussy clenched as Drake glided his tongue along the length of her seam, dipping in to taste her girl-cum. Need to reach between her thighs and relieve the pressure pushed a moan from her lips.
She couldn’t decide what she wanted more. Him to eat her until she had nothing left or to have him inside of her, taking her beyond any level she’d ever experienced before.
“Tell me, Esmeralda, did you let another man touch you, love you. Pleasure your sweet body?”
Love her, no. No one ever affected her like he did. His voice. His intoxicating scent.
“Never,” she barely managed.
Back arched, she pressed into the blankets. Fingers tight around the makeshift materials of their bed, her toes curled when the roughened flesh of his thumb rubbed a slow tease around her clit. He delved his wicked tongue into her channel as his finger teased her entrance. “Answer me, my beauty. No lies. Did anyone else have the honor of tasting your cum on their tongue?”
He flicked his tongue faster, making her dig her heels into the bedding.
“Yes. God, don’t stop.”
“Yes?” He stopped.
“I mean no, no one. Yes. Do more of that,” she snapped. She ached, didn’t he see that? There was no time for questions. Her hands slipped from the clutch she held on the blankets and sought her diamond hard nipples. With her thumbs and forefingers, she clamped them around the extended buds. Panting, she rocked her hips against his mouth. Another thrust of his tongue and she’d lose herself.
Drake rose to his knees, his cock jutting out thick and long between them. The swollen head begged her closer, but his devilish grin said he had other plans. Whatever he had in mind, she wanted. Almost like it was the first time for them, she found herself savoring everything he did to her. The rock-solid barrier she had around her heart had fallen the second she saw him back at the gas station. Who was she trying to kid? Since saving her from the avalanche, he’d slowly peeled away her layers, and she didn’t mean her clothing.
Beneath her fingers, his muscles bunched and trembled. A fine sheen of sweat dotted his skin. Kneeling over her, he slowly ran the head of his shaft along her seam and suddenly the air in her lungs froze.
“Breathe baby, we have all night long and I plan on taking my time.” His voice is low and his skin is warm everywhere he touched her.
He dipped the head into her entrance just enough o make her gasp.
“Mm. Feels so fucking good didn’t it? Like Heaven.”
Her face warmed. “Yes,” she said breathlessly.
“Do you want to come for me?”
Instant, all-consuming lust drew a gasp from her lips. Her pussy clenched. Sensations ran the length of her body and doubled up as they settled in her womb.
“Drake. Yes.”