Page 185 of Mountain Men Heroes

I blinked, my mind trying to shake off the surreal feeling that had stolen over me. “What?”

“Breakfast. Most important meal of the day? Ringing any bells?”

“But you bought dinner last night. And you fixed my stairs.”

“And now I’m going to take you to breakfast.”

I shook my head. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You didn’t ask, baby. You need to eat. I’m taking you to breakfast.” His voice said case closed.

I pressed my lips together and debated the merits of arguing. Before I could decide, he continued in the same tone. “And after that, I want to take you to my house.”

His house. “Why?”

“Well, I’m going to need a change of clothes at some point. And...”

I don’t know why, but the pause before he continued that sentence caused fear to stab through me.

“...I’d like you to see my home.”

And there it was.

His words hit me like a blow to my gut.


That word sounded so simple. But Sawyer's home was a Home. With a capital H. His invitation wasn’t like me inviting him to my tiny apartment that I’ve been planning to move away from since the day I moved in.

I pulled my brows together. Not that I even remember really inviting him here. How did that happen?

I shook my head and went back to my panic attack. Sawyer’s home was a real home. Something out of a sitcom. I’d never been to where Sawyer lived. In fact, it was a spot that was circled in red on my internal map of Wild Ridge so I’d remember to avoid the place like the plague.

But everyone knew everyone in this town, so where Sawyer lived was pretty common knowledge. The locals referred to it as the Lodge. From the sounds of it, though, it was more like a family compound. Several generations of Sawyer’s family lived on the property out in the woods, including his parents, his brothers, and his sister.

Oh my God. Sawyer wanted me to meet his family.

“Breathe, Trinity.” Sawyer walked over and folded me into his arms. Despite my confusion about what was going on between us, I accepted his comfort. I planted my face in his chest and slid my arms around his waist. Then I did my best to take his advice. I pulled a deep breath in through my nose.

He shook me gently. “What’s going on in that head?”

“You want to take me home.”

“Yes.” His voice rumbled beneath my ear where it rested on his chest.

“And meet your family.”


“That seems like...” I wracked my brain for the best way to describe it,

“ a pretty big step.”

I could feel the vibration of his quiet laugh under my cheek. I wanted to be outraged at his laughter, but at this point, I was beyond outrage. If he felt like laughing, let him laugh. The longer that went on, the longer it would take for him to take me home with him. The longer he chuckled, the longer I had a reprieve.

And I wanted a reprieve. I wanted a timeout. I wanted to suspend time indefinitely.

I liked the part where I got to stand here in the circle of his arms. And I didn't want to examine too closely just how much I liked it. Or whether or not liking it so much meant I was like my mother.