Page 171 of Mountain Men Heroes

But here I was sticking my damn foot in my mouth again.

I knew I was being a dick. Again. But I couldn’t get past the fact she stayed in town.

It sure as fuck had nothing to do with the shit Birdie spewed last night. I knew it and I still let it get to me like an idiot.

Trinity was nothing like her mother. But once the notion that she’d stayed in town to hook up with whoever took hold I had to walk it off. It had taken me most of the night to get the rage of Trinity with another man out of my system, but once I stopped driving logic took over.

Our pasts were behind us and that is where they would stay. We both could use a fresh start. Or, at least I knew I could.

Pissed at myself would be putting it mildly if asked to describe how I felt once I realized there was no truth to Birdie’s words. I knew my woman instinctively. But knowing down to my core she wouldn’t do those things, I still couldn’t come up with one good reason she hadn’t hightailed it out of town years ago.

Trinity moved behind the counter, keeping her eyes glued to me warily. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told you last night. I’m working. Or at least I would be if you’d give me your order.”

“Hungry man breakfast, extra side of sausage and hot cocoa,” I said, not bothering to look at the menu. I had a feeling that hadn’t changed much in my absence. “Happy now?”

She scribbled on her pad and then tore off the top check, pinning it to the wheel over the grill.

“Ecstatic,” she deadpanned.

I grinned. Nerves might cause her hands to tremble, but she refused to give in to them. That’s my girl. That’s when I noticed the ring on her middle finger. Left hand.

A wave of possessiveness gripped me. She still wore my ring. She was mine. I knew it, now all I needed to do was convince her.

Before I could come up with a plan of action, the bell over the door went off and Mac strolled in looking cockier than usual. He threw himself onto the stool next to mine before twisting his head to send me a shit-eating grin.

I groaned and lifted my gaze to the ceiling. What had I done to deserve this first thing in the morning?

“Hey, Mac. Surprised to see you in here. Coffee or hot cocoa?” Trinity’s voice brought my head swinging back down. What had Mac done to earn the sweet treatment from Trinity when all I seemed capable of getting from her was sour looks and fits of temper?

“Coffee, beautiful, and thank you.”

I swiveled my head to Mac and narrowed my eyes at him. Impossible as it seemed, his grin grew wider.

“How about a hungry man breakfast?” Trinity suggested.

“Sold,” Mac said. “Can you add a couple of sides of bacon? Can that be a thing?”

She gave my brother the smile I wanted for myself. “Coming right up.”

I turned to watch the sway of Trinity’s hips as she walked over to put the new order up on the grill. She picked up a plate waiting there and walked over to deliver it to a guy seated in the corner booth.

I turned my attention back to Mac. “What the fuck, man?”

Mac shrugged, the grin never slipping. “What?”

“How come she’s being nice to you?”

“Maybe it’s my stunning good looks. Or the fact I walked her home last night when you up and disappeared like an asshole.” Mac puffed out his chest. “Or it could be my way with words.” He allowed his chest to deflate and then threw a disgusted look my way. “Or maybe it’s because I’m the only guy of the two of us who wasn’t a total dick to her last night. I think it’s the latter since you’re asking.”

I groaned and rubbed a hand over my forehead, trying to rub away the headache that had been pounding behind my eyes since I woke up.

“I know. I’m working on it,” I said.

“I can’t believe you’d listen to Birdie Holt. She’s jealous of anyone who gets more than a passing glance from a man. And you know Trinity’s gotten tons of that attention Birdie wants for herself. Why are you surprised Birdie’d be so nasty? Actually, I’m shocked shitless she’s still managing the bar.”

“One, because I’m losing my fucking mind. Two, she won’t be for long.”

Mac huffed. “Well, I don’t know if what I have to tell you is going to make that better or worse. I might have done something last night and you may or may not think it was a good idea.”