Page 165 of Mountain Men Heroes

I tipped her chin up and waited for her to drag her eyes off the puckered scar along my collar bone. “What are you doing here?” I demanded, the second I saw the glittering green of her irises.

My God, she was beautiful.

Trinity absently rubbed the wrist I’d clamped down on, staring at me with enormous eyes.

Shit. I slowly reached forward and took her wrist in my hand, cupping it gently while I examined it. Had I been harsher than I realized when I grabbed her?

Smooth, asshole.

“Shit. I’m sorry, baby girl. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Are you okay?”

She stared at me mutely but after a few seconds she nodded her head, sending her ponytail swaying over her delicate shoulders.

I lowered my voice a bit more. When I did I noticed the tension in her shoulders released a fraction or so. “Are you sure?” I couldn’t find any signs of bruising or redness.

“Yeah. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure,” she said softly. And I swear to all that is holy, her soft, sweet voice sent blood rushing south. My cock swelled instantly and throbbed so hard I could feel the teeth of my zipper through my boxers.

I closed my eyes and clenched my back teeth together as I fought for control. No easy feat considering I was standing inches away from the woman I’ve waited years to wrap my arms around, kiss and sink so deep into we both become connected on a soul-deep level.

My cock hardened and that’s when I realized I needed to fuck her like I needed my next breath.

I gripped her hand in mine and her sweet floral scent filled my nostrils. If I were blindfolded in a stadium full of people, I could still find my way to her by scent alone. I breathed deeply, trying to pull more of her into me.

I opened my eyes, and I can only imagine what she saw in them because she inched backward, scooting further into the corner.

With a superhuman force of control, I let go of her hand and stepped back just enough to give her the comfort of a few inches of space between us. It was the most I could give. Even then, something primal inside me growled possessively.

I squared my shoulders and gritted my teeth, promising myself that very, very soon I’d claim her completely and then she’d be all mine.

“I didn’t mean to scare you.” I was proud of how calm my voice came out. I half expected only snarls and growls to escape when I opened my mouth. “I was just surprised to see you here. Why are you here, Trinity?”

She shook her head, those tender eyes narrowing. “I don’t know what you mean, Sawyer. At your bar or Wilde Ridge?”

God. My name on her lips. I tightened my hands into fists at my sides.

“It’s a simple question. What are you doing here?”

She shrugged, her eyebrows pulling together, confusion clear in her gorgeous eyes. “I work here. Have been for the last three years.”

“I got that, sweetheart.” At the endearment, her eyes widened further. “You were supposed to be gone.”

Her head dipped, eyes glued on mine. It gave her a schoolteacher look like she couldn’t believe what I said and wanted to give me another try.


“I didn’t expect you to be in Wild Ridge when I got back. I really hoped you had gotten out.”

I knew immediately I’d said the wrong thing. The confusion faded from her face and her nose wrinkled. She narrowed her eyes and glared at me. She stopped cowering in the corner, leaning forward while her hands landed on her curvy hips.

I fought down a grin. It was almost worth pissing her off, just to see how adorable she looked when she got angry. But I figured I had enough of an uphill battle ahead of me convincing her we belonged together, without angering her further.

And make no mistake she would be mine.

“And just where the hell did you expect me to be, Sawyer Becker? I didn’t realize sharing the same town with me offended you so deeply. Ya know. Maybe you can tell me a place you never plan on visiting and I can head there right this minute!” Her voice rose as she spoke so she all but yelled the last word.

I leaned forward, pinning her to the back wall, my elbow above her head and my chest brushing against hers. Her nipples grazed against my pecs and fuck if I didn’t want a taste of those berry tips. Would they be soft pink or a dark dusty pink?

Her chin rose as she flattened her palms against my chest, her fighting spirit coming to the front.