Page 137 of Mountain Men Heroes

She caressed higher, pulling his shirt up the higher she teased. She bit at the inside of her lip when her fingers found his nipples. Hard, she couldn’t resist using the tips of her nails over the sensitive tips. Not too hard, just enough to have his eyes roll shut and his shaft grow harder between them.

He pressed her hips closer and even through their jeans she could tell the strain of his erection bulged against the zipper.

She flicked his nipples again and shuddered when he rested his forehead in the crook of her shoulder and growled in her ear.

“You’re coming close, angel, to having me between your thighs and there won’t be any way to stop the inevitable.”

“And what is that,” she asked huskily, so caught up in her own sensual game she couldn’t tell who was more turned on.

“If I take your virginity do you think I’m going to let you walk out of here? Stroll back to Texas alone? I claim that pussy, it’s mine and so are you.”

His. She pulled back and tipped her chin up to look at him in the eyes. Penetrating as though he could see into her very soul. He was telling the truth. As if scribbled in black ink over his entire face, she could read it in how his brows pinched together and the creases at the corner of his eyes softened.

His body covered hers and every inhale of air carried the essence of Damon. Intoxicating.

“Just sex. I’m no one’s to claim, Damon. But this between us is real. I don’t think I can go home tomorrow without having you. So what do we do?” She wound her arms around his neck and pressed her chest into his. Delicious pressure from the tight hold he held her in teased her nipples into tighter peaks, and the slightest scrape of lace from her bra jolted her senses.

His eyes grew intense. Twining the long strands of hair at his nape she whispered close to his ear. “Take my virginity as a gift that it is and then let me go. Let’s keep this simple.”

Ivy dragged him down for another kiss and he hauled her closer yet with both his palms on her ass, leaving her legs only one place to go.

Around his waist.

Something so wrong for her shouldn’t feel so damn good. The rough, stiff denim of their jeans barricaded them apart but she could feel his need for her despite the layers of clothing between them. It pulsed, radiated even, and she wanted to find out what his skin would taste like as she kissed his entire body. Took his heavy cock in her mouth and drank his hot come while he watched.

Bells rose up from the silence, and Ivy groaned with frustration. This had to stop happening. Damon pulled back and let her slip down his front. Embarrassed for the second time that day, she buried her face in his shoulder as he cradled her head with his large hand.

Between then she zipped her pants.

“It seems fate is trying to tell us something,” he whispered and maybe he was right.

“Hey, bro, sorry didn’t mean to interrupt your mojo making.”

Fire hotter than Hade’s own blue blazes licked up her cheeks as she turned to greet the newcomers.

Whoa. She blinked several times but it didn’t help.

It took everything in her not to say that out loud, but her inner vixen nearly doubled over from the surprise. Damn did Alaska know how to grow them, and now she knew where the world’s plaid collection had disappeared to. It was the only thing anyone ever wore here. These two men favored the green version and it suited them perfectly. The dark color highlighted their identical pearly smiles and clung to their shoulders to abruptly end right below their belt line. Whatever woman ended up with these two would be a lucky girl indeed.

“Remind me to lock the door next time.” Damon looked across the bar, shaking his head.

When the two newcomers grabbed a stool, Damon wrapped an arm around her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “We’re not finished, angel. Hold those dirty thoughts for me.” Then he reached across the bar to shake hands with the two men. Men that looked identical and carried similar traits to the Savage men she’d already met. How many were there?

“Ivy, meet the Savage playboy twins. My cousins.”

“How many of you are there?”

“Too many by the count of our mom and too few by the count of the ladies.”

Yep. Playboys.

“Man, you gotta stop calling us that. Sends the wrong message about us.” The one on the right with the easy grin grimaced.

He extended his hand to her. She took it. Nice to meet you.

She slipped her hand into his and immediately relaxed. “Don’t listen to him.” Twin one tightened his hold and the softness to his eyes made her smile. “I’m Jin and this is Rebel Savage. Cool sweater. I gotta get me one of those.” Jin hooked his thumb over to his twin. “He’s the asshole, by the way, and I’m the charmer.”

“Not fair. Why do you always get to greet the girls first? Not like they’ll fall for your one-liners. Besides, I saw her first—you get your hands off.” Rebel challenged his twin, slapping him on the shoulder with a rueful grin.