Warm, silky and pure heaven.
I growl into her ear. “Oh my God, Ivy.”
Using the tip of her thumb, she caressed the head of his throbbing shaft before stroking down the full length. That one touch nearly had him coming all over her hand.
He wrapped his hand around hers. he rocked his hips and the moan on her lips vibrates through his whole body. A hot ribbon of pre-cum slipped over her hand. “Stop, angel. Please, for the love of everything…” He pressed his forehead to hers. “Stop,” he whispered.
“You kiss me, shove me away, and then tease me, standing out there in the snow this morning. Why? Waiting for me to look? Well, I did. I watched you naked for all but a pair of sweatpants. You left me so frustrated I couldn’t even pleasure myself while the coffee brewed.”
He moved against her hand, not ready to lose the feeling of her hand wrapped around his pulsing length.
“Good. We can suffer together.” His angel blushed at her admission and if he didn’t already want her, that would have clinched the deal.
He dragged in a breath of air, and his lungs nearly burst. Looking down at her, the plumpness of her lips less than a whisper away, he listened to the demon in him and caved.
Heaven touched his lips and he dove deeper. The walls of hell closed in.
Tortured angel kisses. The warm caress of her tongue against his. She moaned, and it was harps to his ears.
Palming her outer thighs, he twined her leg around his middle tighter and nearly lost himself when her center nestled so perfect over his engorged cock.
He rocked her hips and knew his hard length rubbed over her clit.
Her legs tightened.
Her chest rattled against his and he tore away, looking down at her. “What is it about you that has me so fucked up in the head? Why can’t I get enough of you when I know you’ll cut me like a razor blade to the throat?”
She pulled back until their gazes locked. His hips undulated, and he pressed his cock into the crook of her thighs. His heart ground to a halt mid beat as he watched pure pleasure wash over her face.
“I need you.”
“I’m sorry.” She shivered delicately in his embrace, and the sudden urge to protect her against every force the world hurled her way, or threatened to take away the pleasure that swam in the emerald depth of her irises, grabbed hold. To shelter her from the pain he saw earlier drove him to grind her against his hard shaft again despite the clothing that blocked him from giving her real pleasure.
“Sorry for what? Don’t be. The torture is almost a sweet reward. But Ivy. The kisses won’t hold me forever. The beast of a mountain man in me wants more. Demands more and I don’t know if I can maintain control around you much longer. You should run. Save yourself for the man you’ll marry.”
“What if this is what I want? What then? Should I still be afraid?” With her mouth parted and eyes wide she tilted her head back and he rocked his hips.
He moved his hands inside her soft pajama bottoms and clenched his fingers around the bare, delicious globes of her plump ass. She had her chance to get away.
“Mr. Savage?”
Anger mixed with fierce possessiveness of another man seeing the heated Passion in Ivy’s eyes. It belonged to him, and him alone.
Wrapped up in her, he failed to hear the approach of someone from behind them.
A thin speck of control eased his anger down a notch and while holding her gaze, he spoke to one of his wait staff. He turned to shield her from the intruder and their prying eyes.
“Just wanted to let you know the first customer is coming up the sidewalk now.”
Damon nodded at the dishwasher for Savage Fire who doubled as a barista for Big Paws in the mornings.
“Thanks, Mave.”
“Yeah, sorry, man.”
Finally, alone again he turned his attention back to her and cursed under his breath at how far he let things get carried away. How far the need drove him.
He stroked his hands down her arms and slowly stepped away from the counter. “I’m sorry about that.”