“Gabe, can you come to the main entrance? We have a situation.”
“What kind of situation? Fill me in.” In my earpiece, I hear Dean, the guy on my team responsible for checking in the guests tonight. It’s the Navy Spring Gala, the city’s most coveted event, an invitation-only type of thing.
“A young lady who’s not on the list insists on getting in.”
“That’s not a situation. It’s simple—she can’t get in if she’s not on the list. You know the rules, Dean.” We’re used to seeing the typical parade of smooth-talking, hopeful event crashers, sequined socialites on the hunt for the next big thing, or local Z-listers desperate for a crumb of attention. A photo op at the lavish seaside Casino’s historic building always sparks envy. But tonight, we’re hosting a charity event to raise money for the children’s hospital. Only sponsors and people who can contribute to this cause can attend. So, the young lady Dean talks about has no business being here. Points for effort, though.
Dean should know this stuff. The rules are clear and essential in our line of work. I’ve been running security for the Casino and VIP events for two years, and Dean’s been with me since day one. Ugh. A beautiful woman swoops in, and that’s all it takes for him to pull me out of the control room while all the local Navy commanding officers and city officials gather in the Casino’s Grand Ballroom.
“Gabe, you might want to come down for this one. It’s not that simple. The young lady says she’s a plus one for someone on the list. A VIP.”
“Who is it? Everyone’s a VIP at this event.”
“It’s Lucas,” Dean says, pausing, so I process the information. “That Lucas, if you were wondering.” Shit. Lucas and his fucking drama-filled love life.
“Get a camera to zoom in on her. Let’s see if I know her. Where do I look?”
“Fifteen,” I hear Dean. I turn to the set of monitors in the back and ask the operator, “Bring up fifteen. Give me a closeup on the woman next to Dean, please.”
A wave of chestnut hair tumbles down her shoulders, framing eyes the color of emeralds. She glances straight at the security camera, a slow, knowing look that catches my breath. No fear there, just a hint of a smile playing on her lips. It’s like she can see right through the screen, daring me to make a move.
“Did you call your boss? Is he coming over or just barking orders from a distance?” I hear her talking to Dean.
Now, that’s just rude. But I need to stay in the control room until all the guests arrive and the auction begins. There’s no way I can deal with all the women Lucas hooks up with.
“Dean, tell her she needs to wait until we find Lucas. And, for God’s sake, get her to move away from the door. She’s blocking everyone.”
“Okay,” Dean replies, and then I hear him: “I’m going to ask you to go over there to the right, Miss. You’ll need to wait for fifteen minutes. We’re trying to find Lucas.”
She squints, her eyes darkening, and then looks straight into the camera.
“You know, I’m just curious. Tell me, is your boss the grumpy type, hiding from the world behind all those surveillance cameras? Or is he too scared to get his hands dirty and grace us with his presence? Or maybe he’s allergic to women?” she says, drumming her fingers on the tiny purse she’s clutching. “So, which one is it?”
Dean goes quiet, and I can’t see his face. He knows I can hear him. No matter what he says, it’ll come across as inappropriate. Dean is one of my team’s most discreet, patient, and polite guys. That’s why I always choose him to handle guest check-ins for these events.
This woman’s all elbows and audacity. Either she’s a nobody desperately trying to bluff her way in, or she’s playing a deeper game. Lucas’s latest arm candy, ready for her closeup, maybe? Still, I can’t help but notice she’s stunning, brave, and sharp as a tack. A total package that idiot Lucas wouldn’t know what to do with. Well, if you want me that badly…. here we go, gorgeous.
“I’m coming. Make sure she doesn’t leave, not even if Lucas shows up. You understand?”
“I got it, Gabe. I’ll take care of it.”
I know he will. I trust Dean, just like I trust all my guys. Everyone follows my rules without question, and no one’s ever let me down. That’s why we’re the top security company in this port city.
I come out of the makeshift control room, which we set up in one of the utility rooms of the historic Casino building. Now, I need to make my way across the Grand Ballroom, assuming no other guests hijack me. She poked the bear, so now she’ll have to deal with it. I squeeze past a few couples and give a few nods. Most of the people I do business with are here. People I help protect, along with their families and their businesses. Almost two million people live in this city, and three times as many pass through every year.
As I’m about to cross into the reception area near the entry, I feel a hand grabbing my arm. “Anita’s here. She asked about you,” Dominic whispers next to me.
I knew she was on the list, but I hoped she wouldn’t show up. If it were up to me, she and her brother Lucas would sit this one out. Their father, Peter Maier, president of the largest grain export and shipping company in the city, makes all the donations. Anita and Peter are just here for show.
“Cover for me. Tell her I’m busy.”
“I’ll do my best. Who got you running? And what’s that I heard about a young woman waiting for you at the main entrance? Need a hand?” he says with a smirk, in classic Dominic style.
“No, I’m good. You know me, I always manage.”