My dad said the money was tainted with our pain, and he didn’t want to keep it for himself. Instead, he suggested we use it to help others and asked me to start a non-profit for people who need prosthetics after accidents.
Just as I explain to Gabriel where the money is going, his phone starts buzzing.
“What is it?” I ask as Duke pricks his ears and joins us on the sand, looking tired and dirty.
“It’s the alarm at the front door. There’s someone there.”
No one ever comes here. I tense up and grab Duke’s leash, then Gabriel’s arm.
“Don’t worry. I think it’s the contractor. I forgot he said he was coming by today,” he reassures me.
“Contractor? What for?”
“The land around this house belongs to me. I wanted privacy, but now I want to build another house next door.”
“You mean to extend this one?”
“No. I want to build a separate one.”
“Who is it for?”
“Well, I haven’t had time to talk to you about it yet, but since you’re going to be studying here in the city, I was wondering if you’d like to continue living with me.”
“So, you’re building a house next door for that?”
“No, of course not. You belong here,” Gabriel murmurs, his arms tightening around me. “With me, in my arms, in this house. It’s our home. The other one is for your father—a house by the sea, just as you wanted. That way, you’ll always have him close, and you’ll always be here beside me. Happy. Safe. Loved.”
Tears well up, spilling over my hands as I cover my mouth. Duke launches himself onto my shoulder, showering my face with frantic licks, clueless about what’s going on. A shaky laugh escapes me as I pat his head. “It’s alright, buddy. It’s just happy tears.”
Gabriel’s phone buzzes again. He squints at the screen, a wide smile spreading across his face. “Let’s head back to the house. We’re expected.”
“The contractor?”
“Even better!” he says, getting up, brushing off the sand, and pulling me up with him.
Duke runs around like crazy in front of us, dragging me along. He’s already thirty pounds and promises to get even bigger and stronger. Gabriel takes the leash from my hand, and we quicken our pace.
As soon as we open the door, a wall of sound crashes over us—laughter, cheers, and a booming “Surprise!” Faces swim into focus—Dominic, Lena, Alice, all beaming and brandishing a cake, walking toward us, shouting Happy Birthday. Ah, shit, it must be Gabriel’s birthday, and I didn’t know. They could’ve clued me in.
“Incoming!” I shriek, diving back as Duke torpedoes past us, heading straight for the cake. Visions of frosting carnage dance in my head. But then, like a knight in shining armor (well, maybe more like a guy in khaki pants), Damien appears. With a sly grin on his face, he snags Duke’s leash just in the nick of time and scoops up the overzealous pup, hauling him away from the sugary battlefield. Duke, tail tucked between his legs, offers Damien a remorseful lick before shooting us a sheepish grin. Disaster averted.
“Happy birthday,” I say, turning to Gabriel to give him a hug and a soft kiss on the lips. “I didn’t know,” I whisper.
“They’re not here for me,” he smiles and kisses me back. “It’s your party.”
“But my birthday is in February. You guys got it wrong.”
“Happy Birthday, baby,” Gabriel chuckles, his lips brushing my ear as I look around, confused. He wraps his arms around me and lifts me in a whirlwind of cheers and claps.
“Happy Birthday, Green Eyes,” Dominic says, engulfing me in a rib-crushing bear hug. Damien, ever the gentleman, manages a quick peck on the cheek and mumbles, “Happy Birthday, Lexi,” before Duke stages a daring escape from his arms, heading straight for me. I scoop him up as Alice throws her arms around me for a hug.
Finally, I make my way to Lena, the mastermind behind this surprise attack. “What’s with all this? You could’ve told me.”
Lena hugs me, whispering, “I just carried it out; Gabriel’s the mastermind. And, you know, we were all really excited to be here today. No one needed convincing.”
“We’d better eat that cake before Duke ruins it,” Damien says, laughing, and they all sit around the countertop while Dominic and Alice look for plates and cutlery.
“Have you got any champagne or decent wine around here, my boy? Ours is warm from the road. I just put it in the fridge,” Dominic asks Gabriel.